26. Pink is for Princesses

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[ T w e n t y  S i x ]

"I don't want to go." I said tersely. Like a child, I crossed my arms stubbornly and hoped it would work.

"Too bad." Dan rolled his eyes.

I was hoping by now he would have gotten bored of me, or really just annoyed. I was not an easy person to deal with if I didn't behave, but no, he was adamant as ever.

"Besides, your dad's also going to be there. He wants to see you, it's been a while. I reckon you both can get some father-daughter time." He said this with a slight smirk on his face that told me he knew exactly what kind of "father-daughter" relationship we had.

Leaned against my door, his arms folded wearing a neatly pressed black suit. Come to think of it, I hadn't even seen him wear anything else around the house, and I was glad too, because I'm sure he only ever changed out of his suits to sleep.

My room was painted in pink. The funny thing was, the colour I had once deeply adored as a kid, thinking princesses could only wear pink, was one I deeply detested now. The whole point of princesses disgusted me too. Were they supposed to just sit there until Prince Charming had finally shown up after conquering the dragon? Why did Prince Charming think he was so entitled to betroth her just because he "saved" her? Did she even like him? And the same, sickly pink nearly made me feel dizzy from seeing it in my room. My hatred for it grew so much that sometimes I felt like barfing when I saw it.

"You know I don't want to see him." I said crossly. Who wants to meet their personal dragon who was so keen on controlling who or what got close to the princess for the rest of her life?

"Yeah, but it's also the first party where I introduce you as my fiancé, and finally get this damn deal out of the way. Stocks are going down, and I wouldn't want your dad to get any ideas..." He murmured lowly, then tilted his head down to kiss me, which he made a habit of doing more. Maybe he thought that if he showed enough physical love it could make up for the lack any emotional type.

Like normal, I remained cold and slack against his touch, unwelcoming. Dan sighed exasperatedly.

"You know," he said, tilting my face forward so that my eyes reached his. "We can't just be like this until I divorce you."

"You're planning on divorcing me?" I mused, so he wanted to suck my fathers resources dry and then throw me along with him.

"Honestly, if you start to grow on me I might just steal you away from your dad. Then of course, we'd still be together."

And that was when I realized that no matter how truly fucked up this situation was, the only way I had any chance of escaping it was getting on Dan's good side. Being able to "grow on" him for as long as I could till I got rid of this one big problem altogether. With this in mind, I accepted Dan's kiss, leaning into it as he put a hand on my waist.

"See," he broke away, "wasn't that fun?"

His mouth trailed kisses down my jaw, to my neck where he left a satisfying hickey. He stared down at his own work with pride, and smirked. "Leave that there." He referred to the mark for when we were going to the formal gathering later. Without another word, he turned out of the room, back to his own king-sized one.

I dropped against the door, sliding down and trying to rub away the mark with my hand. It didn't work, it just turned the skin around it red and made it more prominent. I put my head in my hand. Never crying, no crying no tears.

[ A/N: Short chapter but the next part's too long to fit all of it in one chapter so :///

Also, no picture for this chap. I realized it's too much work to find one that fits the chapter theme every single time so we'll only see them occasionally now when they help. :) ]

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