o5. Rough Tough Love

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[ F i v e ]

[A/N: book will now on be in first pov (Lucy's) unless stated otherwise]

For the rest of the week, I had avoided the salmon-coloured boy. I was worried, after everything he said before he was surprisingly quiet. He didn't bother me at all, and I was worried about whatever plan he concocting. More over, I was horrendously ashamed! A guy who already had a girlfriends lips touched mine. I wouldn't call it a kiss because kisses are meant to be loving, or holding some kind of fiery emotion - but that held none.

It was the brushing of lips as common as hands were accidentally forced to meet. And as much as I tried put it off, I still felt dirty. It wasn't even my fault! He initiated it.

My mind was whirling all over the place that I didn't even realize I had walked into the wrong room. I was supposed to be in Math class with Professor Libra but I had seemingly walked into the wrong classroom. I opened the door and was unfortunate to witness a very intimate couple in a compromising position. His hands were under her shirt, groping her breast while other lay on the wall he was pushing her up against. Her buttons were undone, revealing a hefty amount of skin and her fingers were curled around his collar, bringing and shoving him closer that they already were. They looked like they had zero distance between them and it made me want to gag.

Quietly, I tried to close the door without the couple noticing me, but a flash of red caught my eyes.

"Oh my gosh." I let out, my hands coming to cover my mouth in shock. The intimate couple was Erza and the bored kid from before, Jellal.

They finally broke away, noticing her presence. Erza's shirt was slipping off of her, as she began to heavily pant. Jellal wasn't as tired, but he also seemed to be out of breath. His eyes darted to mine as he sent me a look of annoyance. Ignoring the disturbance, the tattooed boy went back to attacking Erza's neck, to which she let out a low moan with her teeth biting her bottom lip. Erza quickly shoved him off though, her cheeks flaming red.

"Er.. Look, Lucy, I can explain..." She tried to fix her hair and adjust her bra strap sheepishly.

"Uh, no need. I'll just go now..." I quietly slipped out, groaning at the scene I had just seen. I could still distinctly hear their voices.

"You need to be more careful Jellal!"

"It's not my fault! Last time when we were on the desk, you were the one screaming too loud."

"Well if you were more gentle-"

"Please babe, everybody knows you like it rough."

Their voices started to become muffled and I crept away. I really did not want to hear those last few comments, but look like I wasn't exactly going to get what I wanted.

It was hard for me to wrap it around my head, I mean, it's Erza! The student body president and FTA student extraordinaire, who would've thought she was doing the dirty in the same walls she spoke so highly of. Especially not with Fairy Tail Academy's resident bad boy, it was a walking cliche that just seemed so odd if you imagined Erza in it.

At lease now I knew what Natsu was talking about last week... Jellal may be the bad boy of FTA but who would actually cross Erza? It was such an odd pairing, but I guess they somehow worked. How, I don't think I'd ever properly know.

I didn't even notice where I was walking until I bumped into Natsu. Great, the very boy I was first attempting to avoid was now here.

My cheeks immediately flushed as I thought back to what happened last week, it was sad that all my efforts to stay away had crumbled, I was now in front of the man who I didn't even know how to describe. Cheating? I wasn't even sure what was going on in his relationship. Mean? Definitely.

"Seem's just like a stupid blonde to not watch where she's going." He smirked, shoving me which caused my books to fall onto the floor, he merrily laughing ad he walked away with his friends.

All I saw was red, as he began infuriating me more. I hated him, and I seethed while glaring at his retreating figure. I wanted to do something that would annoy him, maybe even get on his nerves. It was because of him I had this constant fear that I had to look behind me, that my father hadn't found out. I was trapped here and he started caging me in.

A plan began to form in my head, and ideas as to how to get Natsu back were flowing up, I knew what had to be done. And if I had to sacrifice a little to get there...? So be it.

[ A/N: aii will we be hoping for a prank war? Something somewhat like that. =) ]

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