19. Rocked Out and Regretfully

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[ N i n e t e e n ]

A pounding headache woke me up, and I cracked an eye open as I felt the morning light on me. A hangover. Great, this was the time I regretted everything I had done last night and be miserable about it in this painful state.

The blankets I was in were very soft and comfortable, I re- snuggled in them until I realized they. weren't. mine.

Bolting up in horror, I looked at my surroundings. I was in an unfamiliar, slightly-boyish room without any memory to recall what happened. I could remember stuff now, me crying on the dance floor, Natsu leading me upstairs to his room.

I looked beside me onto the bed in horror as I saw the obvious shape of a body underneath the sheets. Why did I take his offer.

I calmed myself down, I was practically running in histerics. No, there was no way I slept with someone, least of all Natsu.

I shook these thoughts out of my head, there was no way I lost it yesterday, drunk without any memory of it! The second person let out a male groan, as they twisted their body and their naked torso and arm was visible from outside the blanket. Naked!

I looked down at myself in horror, and to my relief, found myself fully clothed.

I sat there for a while, trying to force myself to remember what had happened yesterday. Was I really that drunk?

Slowly, I lifted the blanket off the face of the person next to me, and was more than surprised to find out that it was a mop of dark hair. He turned and I nearly let out a yelp when I found out that it was Gray.

Heart thumping fast, I slipped out from under the covers, my dress was thankfully still in one piece. As I began to walk away, I nearly tripped on something, or more like someone.

I fell on my butt, a painful groan escaping me. Unfortunately, wood was not the comfiest thing to land on. Natsu moved, until his arm finally lay on top of me in an attempt to find a comfortable sleeping position.

My body jolted with the rush of memories that came to me.

We kept walking upstairs, making our way past rooms.

"This is getting tiring." I complained, yawning.

"Yea, well too bad." He said almost hesitantly, as if he were going to be told for saying such bad words.

"My brain is going explode." I continued to whine.

"What brain?"

"You're such a meanie boebeenie why are you so mean?"

"Please shut up."


Dawdle, dawdle, dawdle, is all we did until we finally reached his room.

"Thank goodness." I said aloud, dropping onto the bed.

"Yea, bye." He scratched his neck, closing the door:

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