11. Lovers Who Fake it Can't Make it

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[ E l e v e n ]

Yukino wasn't in class today. In fact, I hadn't seen her at all since the weekend had passed. I should probably talk to her soon, but I felt as though I had nothing to say to her. Everything was so void, empty of emotion that I couldn't even pay attention in class.

"Lucy," Levy pinched me, whispering. "You should probably do the question on the board, Professor Libra looks like she's going to kill you."

And indeed she did. It was extremely hard for me to ignore stern glare she had fixated on my head. I squeaked and quickly put my head down, my mind still whirring from all my thoughts.

Later on that day at lunch, I cornered Lisanna at the library.

"Yourboyfriendkissedmeandflirtedwithothergirls." Came hurtling out of my mouth so I couldn't take it back. I had to get this done and over with, I mean, he was her horrible and un-loyal boyfriend.

Lisanna laughed. "What did you say?"

I breathed in. She deserves to know Lucy, you need to do this.

"Your boyfriend... kissed... me." I felt disgusting saying it. To think that Natsu's lips were once touching mine was truly horrendous.

"Oh..." Seeing my expression she quickly rushed. "I'll definitely have a talk with him later! definitely! Boyfriends shouldn't be doing these types of things..." she sighed, as if she had given up on something. "You know what, I might as well tell you Lucy."

"...Tell me what?"

"Natsu and I..." her head swiped left to right, making sure no one could hear. "Aren't really dating."

Now that was shocking.


"Quiet." she hushed, leaning forward. "We're just friends."

"If you're just friends why do you act like you're dating?" I asked, pissed that number one on my revenge plan wasn't happening because he wasn't actually dating someone.

"We actually tried... it just didn't work out. Besides, people always ask us if we're dating because we're so close, it's annoying, so instead of denying it, we just tell everyone we are. We're still free to kiss anyone we'd like." she smiled mischievously.

My mood had dampened. "Bye Lisanna."


I was shocked when Natsu smiled at me. It was one of those really evil ones that practically threw up malice, one that only he could really prefect.

But it was that smile that made me more determined than ever, boiling hot fury was visible all over my face, and if it wasn't for the fact that we were in a crowded hallway, I would have injured him. Or actually, I would have kicked him — hard.

It was then I realized that I couldn't care if the whole world knew about my hatred for him, I just need to physically harm him for me to be at ease with myself.

He looked at me curiously as I marched up to him. Oh yeah, you better be worried. You're going to be Lucy-kicked into oblivion so I'd start running if i were you.

A violent image came up in my head, and I felt the need to execute it. I was so close when I stopped, mid hallway.

There was Sting, laughing casually with Rogue.

Sting, my Sting was acting as if nothing happened, as if a heart didn't break into a million pieces nearly yesterday, it's parts scattered everywhere because everyone had a role in it. He knew too. He knew that we were both chasing people who'd never love us back, he knew.

I felt like calling out to him, telling him that I did exist. Wanting him to grab a bandage and heal my wounded parts, but it was as if a permanent burn had been etched onto me, and I could feel sadness overcome me again. It was so hard to want something you'd never get. Give them your heart which they proceeded to give to another.

It. Was. So. Hard.

Rogue noticed me, and a sympathetic expression quickly went my way. My lips trembled, but I stood there. As Rogue directed Sting to another direction, and I saw the boy I would never get walk away from me again. And again. He would continuously do that and I knew I had to force it in my brain that it would never happen, it couldn't.

"Pathetic." Someone mumbled near me, pushing past me.

The not-very-forceful-push pushed me towards the ground in my distracted state. I found myself glaring at the man I hated, and I knew what precautions needed to be taken to take him out.

It was after thorough research in the library after continuous shuffling through old files did I find myself in front of the house someone who I'd never thought to be related in any of this. I knocked on the door handle of my principles door, Mavis Vermillion.


[ A/N: 1000 reads and a hundred votes? We're on a roll. XD guess the tenth chapter really was the lucky one haha. ]

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