22. Warmth With Each Other

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[ T w e n t y T w o ]

I looked at myself in the mirror once more, I wasn't wearing anything too fancy or plain for the occasion, Ezra's birthday party was something she only wanted for a couple of people to come over.

My hands went to touch my lips absent mindedly, and my cheeks burned in remembrance of what happened today. I kissed Natsu. Or he kissed me, either way, it was a kiss. And a great one at that as well. We broke apart fast, with mumbled hurries and quick departs that it didn't leave me enough time to wonder what exactly we were going to do.

Did this mean we were dating or something that was going to be ignored? It couldn't be the latter anymore, there have been far too many things for me to simply avoid him now.

I got rid of the thoughts, I was going to see him again soon enough. Fixing the necklace he gave me— I couldn't stop gushing whenever I saw it, it was so beautiful and expensive, if what I remember from last seeing the price tag. It felt rare to be wearing something like this again, since lately I had only been clothed in rags and clothing items that were about a quarter of what I normally wore.

I picked up the gift bag, it held a blue halter top Ezra was eyeing the last time we had gone out shopping, making a small mention of how it resembled the colour of her boyfriend's hair. I knew it wasn't much, but at least I knew she'd like it.

I hurriedly walking out of my apartment, the sky was somewhat light right now, and I knew I had to be quick. I didn't want it to be extremely dark when going home.

Once I finally walked the twenty minutes to her house, I knocked the door and waited patiently as Ezra got the door.

"Happy Birthday!" I grinned at Ezra, seeing as I didn't get to properly wish her today. I left my gift bag on the table, along with a bunch of others that were there, a box seeming incredibly familiar as I already knew the red necklace that lay inside it.

I went to go join everyone else in the living room, a small skip to my step. Today was supposed to be one of my working days, but I got to repay it by doing all week days next week. It was worth it though.

Natsu smiled at me as soon as I entered, and I sent one back as I went to go sit down beside him.

"You're here." He stated, looking a little surprised.

"Well duh," I said, settling down beside him on the sofa. "Of course I'd be."

He looked surprised still, almost as if he was expecting me to back out because of earlier. But I wasn't going to, not anymore. No more avoiding or trying to hide away, I was going to stop that.

And maybe right now I only meant that with him, because there were a lot of different things I was avoiding, things that were sure to bite me soon. Things that I knew I needed to stop hiding from.

Natsu put his hand on mine.

I smiled back.

For now, there were somethings I wasn't going to run from.

Two hours later and everyone was arguing. Or more like trying to rip each other's hair out.

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