21. Snowflake Memories

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[ T w e n t y O n e ]

Natsu awoke, and immediately regretted it.

A yawn left his mouth, as he stretched his arms out at the horrors of today. Today was the day he was visiting her. The woman who despite raising him to be couldn't remember his face for the love of god. Or Wendy's. His mother always like to be dramatic, and for once Natsu really did just wish it was all acting.

After he left his house, went through the same routine to the rehab centre as he was hurried down a dull hallway of bustling nurses and doctors from psychiatrists to social workers attempting to help their patients. The name Dragneel wasn't unfamiliar over here, top care had been provided for her and his brother made sure of it. Even while being on the run, Zeref still had more power in his words than Natsu could in his worst nightmares.

The door slid open, and he was once again beckoned to the same old sofa he had been seated on so many times, and the same dull gray eyes that looked lost as if they were in a place far from here.

The eyes focused—onto him— and Natsu found himself leaning in with the same anticipation he held every time he came, Wendy or not.

It was a familiar feeling however, as he leaned back in disappointment, a blackening and saddening feeling that curled up in his heart as she smiled up at him, "Why hello again there stranger, it's always lovely when you visit."




The break was over, and Natsu was somewhat glad to be back at school. It did help that a certain blonde was avoiding him at all costs, and it was all too amusing for him to end it. However, he wasn't lucky enough to catch up to her until the very end of the day, once everyone was at their lockers and a vast majority of the people had left.

"Hide Lucy, I've caught up." He mused from behind her, he saw her slowly turn around, an obvious look of dread on her features.

She smiled tightly, "Hi."

"You look uncomfortable."  He commented, grinning.

"I am."


She glared at him. "You'd think it was, wouldn't you?"

All he had to do was smile to antagonize her further. And he loved it.

"Look," she started, looking hesitant as she reached to bite her bottom lip. His eyes immediately drifted down, and stayed there for a while until she spoke again, cheeks red as she knew what he was looking at. Strangely, this made him feel glad, at least he wasn't the only one thinking about what could have happened if it weren't for the jewelry keeper.

"I saw some sketchy people in suits and fancy cars who were looking at you —and not in a good way —the other day."

This caught his attention. "What?"

She rolled her eyes. "You heard what I said."

"Yeah, but I want you to repeat it."

"Look Natsu, I'm not joking. I'd be pretty worried if I were you." She shrugged, then began to walk away.

Natsu thought back to what she said, he didn't have any enemies, he was sure of that. Nor did he have anyone put up to watch him at that time, and unless it was someone who was connected to Zeref, Natsu wasn't so sure those people were there for him rather than her. Dismissing the thoughts, he remembered that he had to get something off his chest. Digging through his backpack, his hand grasped onto a solid casing which he easily brought out. Now jogging, he ran after the blonde who had left the school premises and was walking through the forest shortcut.

"Lucy!" He called out, losing his breath a little. "Wait a second!"

She did not look happy to see him again. "Are you going to follow me home?"

He smirked. "Is that a suggestion?"

She flushed a dark shade of red and began stammering. "N-no —stop making this into something it's not!"

He brought his hands up. "You're the one who suggested it, but anyways, I saw you eyeing this the other day... so here." He shoved the box into her hand, feeling a little awkward.

Lucy curiously opened it, her eyes widening at the sight. Gingerly, she brought out the necklace, the flower one that even Natsu couldn't deny looked amazing on her.

"It's still as gorgeous. Thank you thank you thank you thank you!" She cried out, wrapping her arms around him.

This caught him by surprise, and made him lose his balance a little. His cheeks tinted a slight shade of pink as he wrapped his arms around her. He couldn't get over the fact how right it felt, for her to be there and how comfortable he was with her close proximity. Both of them had red noses and cheeks due to the cold as well as icy breaths but he felt it was worth it.

"No problem." He laughed lightly, astounded at how much she like it.

"No really, Natsu, thank you so much." Her head moved back and away from its spot on his chest as she said this, her arms still wrapped around him.

"Well," he smirked. "There's a lot of ways you can repay me back..." but his voice faltered off. Lucy was looking at him with an intensity he couldn't grasp. His eyes dropped from her eyes to her lips again. As did hers.

There in the cold, with the slight falling of snowflakes around them did Lucy's breath hitch as Natsu leaned forward and their lips finally touched, lingering for a soft, kiss in the snow.

[A/N: :0 did I finally update after a month and a half? Maybe.

Anyways, I hope this chapter was worth it! ]

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