o9. Mayhem Leads to Surprises

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[ N i n e ]

I grinned as I finished showing them the cathedral, the last tourist attraction in Magnolia.

"I mean, this city is alright I guess." Sting scratched is neck.

"It has a lot of cool places!" Yukino tried —and failed— to sound enthusiastic. Rogue gave a nonchalant shrug. They weren't impressed, that was clear by far but there wasn't really anything to be impressed about here. Just a bunch of shady people in shady schools, nothing special.

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever, let's just get to school already." We had visited these places before school had started, since Yuki, Sting and Rogue were all used to the six am start of school, not nine. Albeit they were here for a couple of days – Sting especially, he was made to be popular – the hit of the fact that this was just an ordinary place they sneaked into, and that they weren't going to some spy academy apparently hadn't settled in.

"This is dull," Rogue observed.

"This also the time when we need to get to school so hurry. I have a plan I need to let you guys in on." I smiled devilishly.

"Do you have a crush on him or something, why're we doing this?"

"Be quiet Sting, and it's because I want to find out something." We had arrived early, it was the perfect opportunity, if this school took everyone in, what convinced them to take in a lunatic like Natsu? They didn't who it was, all they needed to know was that it was somebody who I needed dirt on.

My hands quickly shuffled through the files, A... B... C... until my eyes finally landed on my target; D for Dragneel.

I slowly pulled it out as a surge of guilt went through me. It was wrong to go looking through someone elses personal history, it was private.

But he did look through your files and blackmail you with it...

The fact made me furious, even if it did backfire. He did it to me, so I had every right to do it back.

That's still morally wrong, Lucy... Whatever.

I hurriedly opened it as Yukino, who was on look out, said we'd have company in five.

There were too many words, big ones that I didn't understand and report cards since his first year. As much as I'd love to see which subjects Natsu failed in, I frankly did not have the time.

There was a page that was labelled family occupation, one that I briefly remembered from my own appliances. Curiously, I pulled it out. What better way to know how much of a nut job he was than finding out of his family also were?

 What better way to know how much of a nut job he was than finding out of his family also were?

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