17. Sticks and Stones May Break Your Bones, But Words Hurt More

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[ S e v e n t e e n ]

School was quite — dare I say it — normal for the next few days. I was still on operation I-want-
to-go-to-that-christmas-party. However, further commencement of that would have to stop. I had been so set on trying to finish and help Natsu (more like my proud cunning work hehe) that I didn't realize how much I was falling behind. The truth was, despite how hard I tried to be that hardworking smart person, I could never reach the smart part. I sucked at anything that wasn't English, and that was only when we were doing Literature in it.

I put my head down in frustration and tiredness, I hadn't been getting much sleep these past few days, and it really took its toll on me. I couldn't even understand any of what Chemistry was talking about, and yet I had a test tomorrow that was going to test me of everything I've known for it. It was so frustrating and I couldn't bear keep my eyes open long enough to try to understand the material.

My eyes scanned the library, it was the beginning of lunch so it would make sense that there weren't many people up and about at this time. The few who were, it seemed were either procrastinating and handing in late work or just really into finishing it with their furious scribbles.

Natsu had walked in, making me nearly forget that he started hanging out in the library. He saw me, I could see something go through him as he took the table next to me, reading the same book he needed for english. No words were spoken, none were needed to. I kept wallowing in misery till I realized that there was no way I'd pass that test tomorrow.

"Do you get any of this?" I asked, turning my head to face him. I didn't have to look far because his table was quite close to mine.

A small, almost imperceptible smirk was let out, although I didn't understand why.

Natsu put his book down and stretched his arms out, yawning. "Science is easy."

If looks could kill, Natsu would be six feet under right now. He sees me obviously struggling and he has the nerve to tell me its easy? Screw him.

"It's Borium." He explained, glancing at the question I was currently stuck on. I blinked at him. If possible, he made me dislike him even more with the fact that it took him all of two seconds to get the answer I had been searching years — okay, maybe minutes — for. What a show off.

He then went into a really long explanation as to why Borium would insinuate that kind of chemical reaction, which I may or may not have caught nothing of.

Rolling his eyes, he scooted his chair closer so he could begin drawing things on my paper. I had no idea Natsu was this smart, especially at such a tough subject and I didn't even see him struggling. Suddenly, he began clearing up the fog. I could get it, why it would work and almost had to mentally knock myself wondering how I was so stupid. Not that there was much thought there...

"I get it!" I cried out, it was as if the sky had turned a clear blue and the flowers had a sudden rebirth despite it being close to the end of December. That was how happy I was. Hell, if it weren't for the amount of stares I would get, I would probably break out into a happy dance.

"Chemistry's easy, I guess you just have to be smart enough to get it I guess." Natsu said.

I narrowed my eyes at him. How dare he ruin my rarely happy mood.

"Besides Lucy," he said, his smirk fading, a genuine look replacing his features. He brought his head closer to my ear, as if he were going to tell me a secret. "It's easy teaching you. With all the Chemistry we have together."

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