Chapter Twelve

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I quickly throw all my stuff in to my locker, I need time to go talk to the principle. I hurry down the hall to her office, hoping no one sees me. I knock on the door, realizing she might not be in there. “Come in.” I hear her say. I walk in and see that she is tying away on her computer. “May I talk to you, principle Mick.”

                “Yes, have a seat Skylar.”She tells me pointing to a chair right in front of her desk, then closing her laptop, she says, “How may I help you?”

                “Well, with all the things happening around here. Something came to my mind.”I admit, she nods her head the whole time; becoming interested the moment I brought the deaths up. “I have been thinking, all of these murders seem to be connected.”

                “Yes I think it too. I’m glad you think that it was murders. Please tell me your reasons.”

                “Well with, Mrs. Tishner, there was other teachers here. But it was like she was chosen. And with Mindy Jackson. I believe some forged the votes and made the decoration fall. My brother just happened to save her, but in the end she stills dies. So it seems like it was all planned.”

                “Uh huh, makes sense. I’ll look into it. You better head to class.” She tells me. I nod and leave. It doesn’t seem like she really thought about what I said. Then it hits me, she probably really don’t care about everyone else. Her son was killed too, she probably just want his killer to come to light.  “Hey where were you?” I hear Si’las ask from behind me.

                “I had to talk to the principle.” I tell him. “Ready to go to math class?” He nods and softly grabs my arm. When we get to math class, Logan is already there. “I see you’re with this loser again.” He mutters. No one else is in the room, so being the jerk that I am, I kiss Si’las on the mouth in front of Logan. Logan mumbles something under his breath and leaves, and I pull back. “He had that coming.”Si’las declares. We sit down and soon Karly comes in. “So I guess you too are back together.” Karly hisses.

                “And I see you and Logan are not back together.” Si’las smirks. She makes a frustrated sound and sits down. The next person that walks in is Emily, she has a scowl on her face. “How dare you guys leave me there.”She hisses as she gives dirty looks to Karly and I. “Do you know I had to wait for my parents, and then I got grounded.”

                “That stinks.” Karly says laughing at her. “You should have run.” Emily rolls her eyes and sits down. Seems like their friendship is over. They have no one now. The classes by like they usually do, and soon Si’las and I are holding hands walking to my car. “So there is a prep rally tomorrow night, you want to go?”I ask him.

                “Yea sure. Do I have to wear anything special?”

                “Just your pretty face.”I tell him, pinching his cheek. He laughs and kisses me on my cheek. “Just wear the school colors. I’ll see you late Si’las.” I get in my car, and find a note on my passenger seat. How did someone get in my car?

What shall happen next?

                That’s all the note says, nothing else. I wonder who can be next.  It could be anybody, including me.  I feel like I should tell someone, but whom. Like Karly said, no one would believe me. And if they did they would blame us for it.  I drive home, thinking about the note the whole time and who the next person could be; I then think about it when I get home and am in my room What if they aren’t targeting people, and they are just choosing people at random. Or they are having something personal against these people. Maybe Jack messed with the wrong person. Or Mrs. Tishner gave someone a bad grade. Then a thought comes to mind. If someone had something personally with Mrs. Tishner, the person must be in my class.

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