Chapter Nineteen

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I wake up the next morning feeling amazing. It seems like the school might finally get back to normal. All the murders seem done. Maybe the person who sent the notes meant that in some way something would happen; not death. I don’t know, I just know that nothing bad but my fall has happened. The party doesn’t start until six o’clock, and it is only nine in the morning.

                I decide to go downstairs to find something to eat. I find Josh already downstairs eating a bowl of cereal. “Where are mom and dad?”I ask him.

                “They left a note saying they have a long day at work and that they will be in after the party. So we have the whole day to ourselves.”

                “Sweet.”I tell him, then looking at his bowl of cereal, “Are you positive that’s not poisoned?”I ask him.

                “No. But I really don’t care, I'm hungry.” I decide to make some eggs. That’s something they can’t poison, I hope.

                After we have both finished eating and lay around and watched TV, we realized that the food wasn’t poisoned. “You know what we should do?”Josh asks me, standing up.


                “We should go in mom and dad’s room and check out what they have going on. I don’t believe them on anything. Too much is left unanswered.” I think about it for a little bit, and then decide that it is a good idea.

                “Let's do it. We can hear them if they come in.”I say. We run up the stairs, and go into their room. Until now, it didn’t cross my mind that the door might be locked. Fortunately, it is unlocked. We head in, their bedroom is perfectly clean. Not a thing is out of place. The bed is made, no clothes anywhere, and it has a sweet smelling aroma to it. “Wow it is too perfect in here. Something has to be wrong.” I shrug and we begin to look around. I check the bookcase and find nothing. “Did you find anything?”I ask him from across the room.

                “No, not yet.” Just as he says that, I find some books that are clumped together. I remove it and find that it is just a box made to look like books. “I think I found something.”

                “What is it?” He asks, walking towards me.

                “It's a hollowed out area.”Inside I see about three bottles. “Look, it is three bottles.”I tell Josh. Together we look at them. One bottle says Good nights’ sleep; the next one says Sleep for awhile; and the last ones just have one word: Death. “Josh, look at this.”I say, in a voice barely above a whisper, pointing to the bottle.

The first bottle was almost empty. “I bet they put this in our normal food. I sleep way too easy.”Josh replies.

“I think so too. Lately I have been sleeping really well.” The second bottle has some missing from it. “And this one is probably the one that made me sick.”I tell Josh, showing him the bottle. The last bottle looks like it have never been used. Just holding the bottle sends chills down my back. “What do you think they would use this for?” I ask Josh.

“Probably if we got too out of hand. They would just blame it on someone else, or the murderer that have been around.” All I can do is shake my head.

“We need to see what else we can find.”I tell him. He nods, and we start searching again. I search the bookcases again, but don’t find anything. I'm about to go to Josh, when I accidently drop something. It bounces against the wall. “Josh did you hear that?”I ask

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