Chapter Thirteen

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I wake up, and see that Si’las is already gone. He left me a note saying he had to go home. These notes I don’t mind. I look over at my clock and see that it is two in the morning. I roll over and go back to sleep, thinking about Emily. It seems so untrue.

                I have a dream that night. This time it is not by the pier. I’m at a dark warehouse. It’s dark, until a light comes on. And I surrounded by mirrors again, and I hear Kate’s voice yell at me. “Look at the mirror!” She screams. I look, but instead of my reflection, I see Emily’s reflection.  “Look at what you caused!”  I scream and finally I wake up.  I sit up awhile, but I soon go back to sleep.

                The next morning I wake up feeling weird. Right away I realize Emily is gone, and that I have to go to school and pretend I’m not affected by it. Before I get ready, I check and make sure we even have school today. Unfortunately we do. I drag around as I try to get ready. “Do you want me to take you to school?” My brother asks, peeking his head in my room. I nod and grab my stuff, then head downstairs.  I don’t really feel like going to school today.

                From the looks of it, when I get to the school, no one else wants to be here. Just as we pull up, Karly and her parents pull up. I remember now how she can’t drive until she is 18. She caused this mess. When she sees me, she rolls her eyes. I roll mine back and walk inside. She caused this mess and now she has to pay for it. Inside everyone is gloomy, and slow moving. I bet the people who teased her, are feeling extra bad. I see Si’las waiting for me at my locker. “How are you feeling?”

                “I feel okay.” I tell him. I put my stuff in my locker and we walk to math class together. As we walk past Karly’s locker, I see some wrote in big letters the word Murderer. I don’t see the school forgiving her for this one. But I can’t deal with it now. When we get to class there are a few people already in there waiting for class to start. We take our normal seats. Today I’m glad I have Si’las here, he holds me up. Karly walks in and the room goes silent. “Murderer.”I hear one girl whispers as she goes by. The class is soon filled, with one seat empty. The teacher comes in and tries not to make a face at Karly, but she doesn’t succeed. The teacher is about to begin, but the bell rings, saying an announcement will be made. “Hello students, we regret the loss of well known student Emily Green…”The principle is cut off by someone.

                “Sorry for all the murders they won’t stop until the secrets are out. But I’m almost done with the killings, who is next. Wait and you will find out. Here is a hint, it is a junior. But it won’t happen at the school, but at this person’s house. Enjoy the rest of school.” The voice rings out. It is obvious that it is disguise. But I then realize that someone in my class might be the one to die. It could be me, or someone I love, like Si’las.

 Everyone including the teacher is shocked. The guard in the room, I didn’t even notice him, reaches for his gun. His partner leaves to probably meet other guards. “Okay students; get on the floor and under your desk.” The teacher tells us, I can tell that she is frantic and scared. We all get under our desk and wait; even though the person said he was going to strike at the student’s house. When no one is looking I pull out my phone and send a quick txt to Josh saying I’m okay right now. I see Si’las doing the same.

We wait for about30 minutes under the tables until finally the guard come back in and tell us to get up.  “Okay students, we have not found the guy yet. The person used some piece of technology that made it transmit into the school radio, without him being in the room. So we have no idea who it is. Since he is doing it at your house, I want you guys to go in pairs, and stay out the house as long as you can or until your parents get home.” The guard reports to us.

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