Chapter Twenty

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                I feel myself get carried some more. But I'm still in a haze. In less than a minute, I'm in another room and is being put down on something; probably the floor. I feel my arms being tied up, especially when I feel a shoot of pain going up in it.

                I see a light, and I guess that I'm starting to wake up. I slowly start to process everything, I me and some figures tied up. But my eyes are too hazy to see who is lying there. I eventually fall asleep.

                I wake up again and my eyes are able to see clearly. I hear muffled sounds and look around I see Karly, Logan, Josh, and Si’las lying beside me; all of them tied up with our mouths taped up. We are all looking at each other and wondering what is going on. I see Nick stroll into the room. “You guys are all probably wondering what is going on. Let's first remove the tape.”He says, and then one by one yanks the tape off our mouths. Its hurts really bad, but I bear through it; I have bigger problems now. “Why are you doing this?” Josh yells at him.

                Before he replies, Matt walks into the room. “Matt helps us!”I yell before I even know it. He just shakes his head and smiles. A new eeriness coming over him. “As you can tell we are the school murderers. We did it all.”Matt says, with a laugh. It shocks me. Why would they care about the Kate case? “Why are you doing this?” Josh yells.

                “It's the Kate case, isn’t it?” I ask, knowing why.

                “We made it seem that way, so that we could cover our tracks. We could care less about the Kate case. Tragic but you guys already paid for that.” Matt explains.

                “So why did you do this?”Si’las asks, I can tell his anger is boiling. The whole time Logan and Karly being quiet.

                “We did this because of Skylar.”Nick says, coming closer to me, putting his fingers on my face. I inch away, not wanting him to touch me. “Sorry about the fall, we need to cover our tracks. Seem like you are healing up pretty well.” He then kisses me on the forehead.

                “Leave her alone you creep.”I hear Si’las say.

                “Why would you do this because of Skylar?”Karly asks, speaking for the first time.

                “Because of the cheating. I couldn’t let Skylar’s poor heart be broken like that.

                “What do the others who died have to do with this?”Josh asks.

                “Let's explain it all. First Jack hid it up, he could have easily told. Mrs.Tishner let those two,” He points to Karly, then Logan, “use her classroom so that they could meet up behind your back. Mindy and Mary blackmailed them, that’s why they were always around. And lastly Emily covered it up the most. Now it is time to get rid of the last two people that caused this.”

                “Wait, why do you guys care? I would have got over it.”I tell them.

                “Let's bring out the next people who helped.”That must be the cue for them to come out. I hear a door open and see tow figures walk downstairs. I look in their faces and see that it is my parents. “Mom, dad. How could you do this?” I demand.

                “We just wanted you to be happy.” My father replies. I'm too shocked to say anything more. “What is your guy’s job?” Josh asks.

                “I guess we can tell you, we work for the mob. We being lawyers do help get us out of trouble. We hired Matt and Nick to do the murders. We did it to protect you, Skylar. Let's finish up so we can go home.” My mom says. I'm too shocked to say anything else. Nick heads over to Karly, but right before he gets there; the police bust through the door. “Put your hands in the air!”He yells. I see the guy who interviewed me those two times I was there. They handcuff the four of them, and then untie us. “They killed all the other people.”I tell them.

                “We know, we put all the clues together.”The police officer says. He pulls Karly up and handcuffs her too, “Karly Baker, you are under arrest for the murder of Kate Moore.” I think I'm next, but they just help the rest of us up.

                We are taken to the police station and Josh and me spend the night at Si’las’s house. After that we start to learn how to live normal lives.

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