Chapter 2

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"EVIE!" I screamed and jumped out of bed.
"What the hell Darius?" I punched his arm. He grunted and started rubbing his arm.
"Damn. You're waking her up next time CiCi!" Darius yelled. Ciara came in the room giggling.
"Get dressed. You're party is tonight. We are going shopping." She announced. I groaned and went into my closet. I changed into my black ripped skinny jeans and my pink shirt with a black bow on it. I put on my white vans and met them downstairs.

I told my mom we were going and we left for the mall. When we got there we went into a few stores before Darius started complaining he was hungry.
"But Evieeeee." He whined. "Ever heard of food deprivation? Well it's a thing." I laughed and rolled my eyes.
"Fine. We'll go get food." He cheered and ran to the food court.
While we were eating I smelt an amazing smell. My wolf got antsy as I looked around.
Mate mate mate. She chanted.
"I have to pee." I said, getting up and following the smell.
I walked for a few minutes until my eyes landed on a boy with blonde hair. He looked at me and I smiled. He quickly looked away and I cocked my head to the side. I looked around and my heart shattered. There was a girl with him. He kissed her cheek and got up. I turned around and walked towards the bathroom. When I got there I felt sparks shoot up my arm. I turned and glared at the boy.
"What's your name?" He asked.
"Everest Moon." I said quietly. Recognition crossed his face.
"I, Caden Lightner, reject you, Everest Moon, as my mate and female beta." My wolf howled as my heart shattered even more.
"I, Everest Moon, accept your rejection."
"Do not tell anyone about this." He growled lowly. I rolled my eyes and walked into the bathroom. I locked the door and sank to the ground as tears rolled down my cheeks. Why me? I got up and looked in the mirror. My hair was a reddish color that faded into blonde. My eyes were bright gold. I had freckles that I hid under makeup. I was a freak. Now I'm a freak without a mate. I wiped my eyes, walking out of the bathroom.
When I got back to the table Darius looked at me suspiciously. I just smiled and brushed it off to be nothing.
"Are you guys ready to go? I saw a dress I liked." They nodded and we left the food court.

We got to the store and I picked up the dress I saw earlier. It was strapless and pink with a light pink bow around the waist and sequin thingys at the top.

The Dress^^ ________________________I tried it on and we decided to get it

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The Dress^^
I tried it on and we decided to get it. I got a pair of black heels to match and we went home.

Darius dropped me off at my house and I quietly went in. I went into my room and dropped onto my bed. I started to cry as I thought of the rejection. My wolf was still whimpering and my heart felt like it was in my stomach. I cried as I thought of always being mateless. My sisters and brother would find there's. I would always be known as the freak. The one who was rejected.
My door opened but I didn't care. I couldn't help the sobs that came from my mouth as tears poured down my face.
"Ev?" I heard Carmine's voice. "What's wrong?" She sat next to me and I looked at her.
"I found my mate." I whimpered.
"That's great!" She said happily.
"He rejected me." I sobbed. Her face fell and she wrapped her arms around me.
"Oh Ev. It's okay. Don't worry. I'll always be here. That jerk face doesn't deserve you anyways." She growled. I cried into her shoulder for a few minutes before getting up.
"I'm okay." I whispered. "I need to get ready." She nodded and got up to leave. "But CarCar?"
"Don't tell dad. Please." She nodded and left.

After showering and drying my hair, I got the curling iron out and curled my hair. I then got dressed and looked at the time. 6:12. Shit. The party was at six. I ran down the steps and went through the hall to the ball room. When I opened the door I saw a bunch of people standing there talking. I made my way around the room and put a smile on my face, greeting everyone.
"Mom!" I yelled out. She came over and hugged me.
"Happy birthday sweet girl." She smiled. I kissed her cheek and went to find my dad.
"Can I have everyone's attention?" Well, I found him. "If everyone would follow me outside, I have a present for Everest." I followed everyone else and made my way up to him, giving him a questioning look. He just smiled and opened the door. I gasped as I saw what was out there. It was a pink Range Rover.
"Thank you dad!" I squealed. I jumped into his arms and he hugged me
"Happy birthday baby girl." He whispered.

After a long night of meeting people and saying thank you for the presents the party ended. I went upstairs and peeled off my dress, putting on my black spandex and a white sports bra. It was 1 am and I wasn't getting any sleep.

I made my way to the training room. It was empty. Just like I wanted it. I started punching the punching bag as tears flowed down my cheeks.
"Stupid boys. Stupid mates. Stupid feelings." I said to myself. "Why can't I just be normal? It would be simple. Grow up, find my mate, get married, have pups and live happily ever after. But no. I had to grow up, get rejected and act like it's all okay." I plopped to the ground as I cried for everything. I cried about my non normal life, my rejection, my stupid eyes, everything.
I wiped my tears and got up, going to my room. I plopped into my bed and heard the door creak open. I just laid there. I felt the bed dip and turned over.
"I just wanted to be here with you." Carmine whispered. I nodded and smiled, closing my eyes and falling asleep.

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