Chapter 11

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I woke up and jumped out of bed. I ran into the bathroom and pulled my hair out of the way.
"Mattie!" I yelled. I wanted to see his. Mine was a paw print with Mattie's initials. The paw print was a goldish color with swirls of black.
"Mattie?" I yelled again. I tried to mind link him but there was a barrier that I just couldn't push through. I ran into my room and threw on a pair of sweatpants and a tank top.
"Mattie!" I shouted as I ran down the steps.
"Mom!" I ran into the living room and where her and dad were sitting. My mom had tears in her eyes and I stopped.
"Where's Mattie?" I asked hesitantly.
"He's gone." My mom murmured.
"What?" I whispered.
"There was a rogue sighting. We sent three warriors to chase them off. They came back injured, but alive so Matthew went with two of our warriors to check it out. They attacked and took Matthew. They killed one warrior and left the other with a message." My dad said.
"What message?" I asked
"You for him." My dad said. "But don't get any ideas. We'll get him back. I promise sweety."
I turned and quickly ran up the stairs. I ran into my room and shut the door, locking it. I slid down the door and sat there, staring at the wall as tears slipped down my face.
Mattie. Please be okay. I need you.
I whispered through our newly formed mind link. I got up and made my way to the bed. I laid down and cried myself to sleep.

Matthews POV
At Time Of Kidnapping
I got up and looked down at Everest. I couldn't help but smile. She's all mine.
I quietly made my way down stairs and into the kitchen. As I started to pour myself a glass of water a few warriors ran in. One of them was I Motette bad shape. I immediately ran over to them.
"Alpha Matthew." One of them gasped.
"What happened?" I asked.
"The rogues." He said quickly. "We tried chasing them off. But they're asking for Luna Mia." I growled lowly at the thought of anything happening to my mate.
"Get me two warriors. I'll go." I said. They nodded and scurried off.
The two warriors met me at the front of the pack house. We shifted and ran to the rogues location. They all have this sort of metallic smell and you can smell it from miles away.
I saw the group of rogues and came to a halt. I shifted and looked at them all.
"What business do you have here rogues?" I snarled. There were four rogues.
"We came for Everest. We aren't leaving without." One rogue spoke. I growled and took a step forward.
"Don't you say my mates name. I will rip you to shreds." I growled threateningly. The rogues chuckled and I growled even louder.
"The man that has sent us is way scarier than you are." One rogue said "so give us the girl or we will all die."
"You will die anyways." I snarled.
I saw the rogue flick his hand and I shifted. Three of the rogues shifted and we fought.
It was about five minutes and they had killed one of my warriors. That distracted me long enough for the rogue to pin me. One wrong move and I would die so I froze. I felt a pinch in my neck and the rogue released me. I jumped up and regretted it. I tried shifting back but I couldn't. I saw the fourth rogue holding a syringe and the other three looking at me.
"Send him with a message. Him for her." Was all I heard before everything went black.

I woke up and groaned. I had shifted back and I was laying on the floor of some sort of cell. I got up and walked to the bars. Right before my hand made contact I head a small voice cry out.
"No!" I froze and looked around. "The bars. They're pure silver." I squinted and I could see another person in the cell next to me. I backed up and slowly sat down.
"Where am I?" I asked.
"I don't know. I've been here for six months and I still don't know." I heard the voice whisper.
"What's your name?" I asked.
"Melina. Who are you?"
"Matthew." I said. "Why are you here?"
"I don't know." She mumbled. "I was a rogue. And he found me. He wanted me as his luna but I denied. So now he keeps me down here and uses me for his pleasure whenever he wants." She said it with such lack of emotion that I hated this guy even more. "Why are you here?" She asked me.
"He wanted my mate." I growled.
"Everest I'm assuming."
"My angel." I smiled at the sound of her name.
"He's talked about her before. He often does that." She whispered.
"What did he say." I growled.
"All I heard was something about giving him strong pups. That there might be a way to harness her powers. I don't know what he's talking about though." She said quietly.
"Why do you whisper?"
"If I'm too loud my punishment will be worse. He'll let the others join. He doesn't like the sound of my voice." I could hear the pain in her voice.
"How many people come down here?"
"Only a few. The ones that do don't stay long. He either kills them or sells them as omegas to other packs."
"He sells wolves?" I asked in shock.
"Yeah. A lot."
I growled and shook my head.
"What a bastard." I growled. She shushed me as a door creaked open. A bright light shone in. I could see Melina and she was very small. She had long, tangled red hair. She was wearing just a ripped up shirt.
"Well hello there." I snapped my head up and snarled. I knew that voice. That's the rogue. The one that was in the woods when Everest found out what she was capable of. "Thank you for joining me!" He laughed. 
"I will kill you." I growled.
"I'm sure you will." He chuckled. He put on a pair of thick gloves and opened the door to my cell. A few rogues came in and grabbed me, dragging me to a different room. I groaned as I was slammed into a chair. They strapped me down and I growled.
The rogue came in and smiled.
"Where are my manners?" He chuckled. "My name is Keegan. Thank you for being my guest. Now. Let's begin."

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