Chapter 8

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"Carmine!" I yelled. "Just open the damn door!"
I had been outside of her room for 2 hours now. She won't open the door.
"Carmine." I said softly. "Please. Let me in."
"You won't understand." She said.
"When I was upset you didn't understand. But you were still there for me. Please." I pleaded. "I want to be there for you. Open the door." I heard her footsteps and the door slowly creaked open. She was a mess. She had on one of my night shirts and a pair of sweatpants. Her hair was in a messy bun and her eyes were filled with tears. I opened my arms and she jumped into them.
"What happened to you?" I whispered. We walked into her room and shut the door.
"Mom and dad are going to hate me." She said.
"No. don't say that. They will never hate you." I said softly.
"I'm pregnant." She whispered. I looked at her and waited for the explanation.
"I found my mate. The day after you left. I didn't tell anyone. I wanted to tell you first. We hung out a few times. He told me he loved me. So I had sex with him. A little while later I started feeling sick. So I got a test. All 5 of them were positive." She said.
"Where's your mate?" I asked hesitantly.
"When I told him, he told me it was a mistake and rejected me." She whimpered. I growled and got up.
"He's a warrior."
"Who?" I asked again.
"Lucas." She whispered.
Lucas ways one of our top warriors. His dad was accepted into the pack when I was first born. I've known Lucas since he was born. But I'll still kill him.
I started to walk out of the room when I felt carmines hand wrap around my arm.
"Wait. Please stay with me." She whimpered. I stopped and turned around.
"It's alright Car." I said, laying down on the bed next to her. "We'll get through this. Together."
She nodded and closed her eyes. Within five minutes she was out cold. I quietly got up and left the room.
I stormed down the steps and heard for the back door. Mattie was still talking to my mom and my dad was outside training with the warriors. I slipped out the back door and followed my dads scent to the clearing. I immediately found Lucas and walked over.
"You." I growled. He looked at me and smiled.
"Everest." He said. "How'd the trip go?"
I grabbed him by the shirt and pinned him to the closest tree.
"I don't want you to look at carmine, I don't want you to talk to her, I don't want you to talk about her, I don't want to hear her name come out of your mouth." I growled. I felt arms wrap around my waist and i felt the sparks. I let go of Lucas and I saw the hurt in his eyes. He turned around and walked away.
"Hey. Angel. Shh." Mattie whispered in my ear. I calmed down and turned around. My dad was standing there with his arms crossed and I could see the fury in his eyes.
"What the hell was that?" He yelled at me.
"I did it for Carmine so don't come over here yelling at me." I growled.
"What happened to Carmine?" He asked.
"She will tell you when she's ready so don't ask me." I said. He nodded and turned to the group of warriors.
"Back to training." He said. They all did as he said as me and Mattie walked back to the house.
"What was that all about?" My mother asked as we walked inside.
"I can't. It's up to Carmine to tell you." I said. My mom nodded and I walked up to my.
"Hello Minnie." I picked her up and cuddled her to me. She purred and rubbed her face against mine. I giggled and sat her on the bed.
I got unpacked and went into the room next to mine. It was empty now that my uncle Hayden and uncle Reed moved out. I was going to bring all of Minnie's stuff in here and set up her own little room for her. First, I needed more stuff to put in here.
"Carmine." I walked into her room. "Get up and get dressed. We are going to the store." She groaned and rolled out of bed.
"Fine." She grumbled. I went into my room and put on my white jeans and one of Mattie's black sweatshirts. I slipped my feet into my black Uggs and went to her Carmine.

"Mattie." I went downstairs and grabbed my car keys. "We are going shopping. And you aren't coming."
"I wanna gooo." He whined.
"Nope." I turned and met Carmine at the bottom of the stairs. She had showered and put on her black jeans with one of my sweatshirts to cover up her bump. She had on a pair of white converses and her hair was in a ponytail.
"Come on." I said.

We got to the mall and I took her into the maternity store.
"Pick out what you want." I told her. She nodded and started looking around, grabbing what she liked.
We left the store with three bags full of clothes.
"Thank you." She said quietly.
"Anytime." I smiled at her. "Now. Let's go get some food." She nodded and we went to the food court.
We got pizza and sat down.
"Hey Car. I think you should tell mom and dad tonight." I said.
"I know." She looked down. "I'm just scared. What if they hate me."
"Hey. They won't."
"I'm only 15." She whispered.
"I know Carmine. But it's okay. We will get through this together. As a family. Like always." I said. She nodded and ate her pizza.
We went to the pet store and I picked up some different toys and a really big scratching post for Minnie.
"Alright. Let's go home." I said as we walked to the car. It's going to be a long night.

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