Chapter 22

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"What color should the room be?" Mattie asked as we stared at the paint. We had already picked up a changing table, a crib, some clothes, diapers, bottles, and soap stuff.
"It's a girl. But pink is so typical. I think we should do like a maroon color." I said. He nodded and picked up the paint. We bought the paint and some paint brushes and went out to the truck.
"Anything else Angel?" He asked. I shrugged and hopped into the truck.
"Wait here." He said before running back into the paint store. I sat in the truck playing games on my phone and texting Cece until I saw him running back out. He had a big bag with some stuff in it that I couldn't see. I cocked my head to the side and gave him a confused look as he jumped into the truck.
"You'll see later." He chuckled. I sighed and went back to my games.

When we got home Cadence walked out of the house and I smiled. Him and Carmine were getting along just fine and we've started building his pack house on the border he requested. The plan is that when he moves Carmine will go with him and become his Luna, Andrew eventually taking over as Alpha when he grows up.
"Need any help?" He asked. I nodded and he went to the bed of the truck with Mattie.
"Evie!!" Jaylen ran outside with Jacklen behind him. "Keep her away!" He yelled in a panic. "She's gonna give me cutiesss!!"
"I don't have cuties!" Jacklen yelled back, stomping her foot. I shook my head and got down to jaylens level.
"Who told you she has cuties?" I asked him.
"My friends from school." He said with a worrisome expression.
"Well you see. Other girls have cuties. But since jacklen is related you can't catch her cuties." I said. He sat there for a minute then nodded.
"Yeah. That makes sense!" He said.
"I'm sorry Jacklen!" He yelled, running to her and hugging her.
"It's okay." She giggled as they ran back to whatever they were doing. I smiled and stood back up.
Mattie and Cadence almost had all the stuff upstairs and I went inside and up to the room next to mine and Mattie's. I walked in and looked around. We were going to paint the room tonight. Then tomorrow we'll set up her crib and changing table. All of the furniture is white so it'll match just fine. Mattie came in the room and wrapped his arms around my waist. I smiled and leaned back. He kissed my cheek and I smiled.
"Let's get to painting!" I squealed, taking Mattie's sweatshirt off so if I got paint on my self it would just be on my tank top and not his white sweatshirt.

I swiped the brush around the last wall before grabbing a tiny paint brush for the details around the border.
I dipped it into the white paint and made small little hearts around the border.
I heard Mattie trying to stifle a laugh so I stood up quickly and spun around.
"What are you up to?" I asked suspiciously. He just shook his head and laughed. That's when I noticed his hand behind his back. I threw down the tiny brush and picked up a bigger one, holding it out towards him. He raised his eyebrows and I shook my head.
"Matthew don't you do it." I warned him. He just shook his head and kept walking towards me. I swiped the brush across his face and stopped.
His face was clean.
I forgot to put paint on the brush. That's when he swiped his brush across my chest, leaving a maroon line of paint. I screeched and ran from him. I picked a brush with paint on it and swiped it down his face, leaving a line of white paint this time. He took his brush and flicked that paint all over my face and hair. I squealed and did the same to him.
A few minutes later Carmine walked in and started laughing. I was straddling Mattie's waist with the paint bucket in my hands. He held my wrists, enabling me from pouring it on him. I looked down at him and laughed. We were botch covered in paint. I heard a click and looked to Carmine. She had pulled out her phone and took a picture.
"Okay kids. Enough. Let's get this cleaned up." She laughed.
I got up and put the paint budget down, looking around the room. We had put plastic over the carpet so it would stay white. But the plastic was splattered with paint. I giggled and began picking up all of the brushes as Mattie put the lids on the paint. Carmine took everything outside while me and Mattie picked up the plastic and threw it in the trash.
"Let's get cleaned up." He chuckled. I nodded and followed him to the bathroom.
After we took a shower and got all the paint off I was exhausted. I put on my pink sweatpants and black sports bra and laid down in bed, quickly falling asleep.

I woke up the next morning and rolled over. Mattie wasn't in bed so I sat up and looked at my phone. It was almost 11.
I put on a sweatshirt and went down to the office where Mattie was sitting and looking over plans.
"C'mere Angel." He held his hand out. I walked over and he pulled me to his lap.
"What do you think about this?" He asked. I looked at it and nodded. It was a blue print of a new pack house.
"For when we combine our packs. The construction will begin today. I just wanted to run it by you first." He said. I nodded and smiled.
"Yeah. It's perfect." I said. He nodded and looked at me.
"We'll stay in here with our families. The two packs will move together in the new pack house." I nodded and smiled.
He kissed my cheek and I leaned on him.
"We should go put together the crib and stuff." I mumbled. He nodded and we stood up, going upstairs.

"No. This goes here." He said.
"No Matthew. Look at the instructions!" I yelled, throwing the booklet at him. He rolled his eyes and grabbed the booklet.
This has happened about every two minutes. He contradicts me I show him the booklet then we do it my way.
"Just get out" I groaned "I'll do it myself."
"What?" He asked.
"Out." I pointed to the door. He sighed and got up, walking out of the room. I continued to put the crib together and finished within 20 minutes. I called for Matthew but he didn't answer so I stood up. I needed to move the crib across the room where it belongs, so I'll do it myself. I began to push the crib when I felt something wet go down my legs. I froze and slowly looked down.
"Mattie! Carmine! Mom!" I ran out of the room and into the hall.
Mattie came running down the hall and stopped when he saw my pants were wet.
"My water broke you idiot! Don't just stand there!" I yelled. He ran over and called for Carmine to get the hospital bag. He guided me down the steps and into his truck. Carmine and my mom climbed into the back seat with the bag as Mattie jumped into the driver seat and took off.
Raegan Grace is on her way.

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