Chapter 5

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We stayed in Matthews territory for three extra days before we decided to head to the next pack.
"I'm coming with." Matthew came down the steps with his packed bag. I laughed and looked at my dad.
"I don't care." He said.
We headed to the car as Matthew said bye to his dad.
"Dad" I said once we got into the car "I'm scared."
"Of what princess?"
"What if he leaves." I said quietly
"You can't always think like that. I know one guy did the wrong thing, but you can't think bad of every guy now. I know it's hard. But not everyone is the same." He smiled at me. I nodded and looked out the window. Matthew came out and climbed in the back seat with me.
"So. Where to?" I asked.
"The last pack we share a border with is the White Moon pack. Home to Alpha Brandon." I nodded and leaned into Matt. He kissed the top of my head and I fell asleep.

"Wake up."
"Urghhh" I groaned. I sat up and rubbed my eyes."what?"
"We're here sweetness." Mattie chuckled. I rolled my eyes and climbed out of the car.
"Good morning sunshine" my dad laughed at my glare.
The front door opened and Alpha Brandon stood their with his mate Luna Skylar. She was holding a tiny creature in her arms and my interest was peaked. I walked over and looked at it.
"Oh my goshness!" I squealed. "Dad! It's a kitten!! I want one!"
My dad laughed as I looked at the kitten with wide eyes. It was so cute. It was all white with one blue eye and one green eye.
"We found her yesterday. She's pretty adorable. But Brandon says we can't keep her." Luna Skylar giggled. She held the kitten out and I quickly took her, cuddling her to me.
"I'm in love." I whispered. "Mattie! Look!"
"I know. It's a kitten." He laughed.
"No. It's my kitten." I said. My dad looked at me weirdly.
"Says who?"
"Says me."
He rolled his eyes at me and chuckled softly. "Fine. But you're paying for it." He gave in.
I squealed and kissed the kittens head.

I know, I'm a wolf and this is a cat. But it's just so cute. I'm in love with every single animal in the world. I don't care. They are all adorable.
Alpha Brandon invited us in and showed us to our rooms. I opened my bag and threw a sweatshirt on backwards, sticking the kitten in my hood.

We met them downstairs for breakfast and talked about treaties and alpha stuffs.

"Does the kitten have a name?" I asked that night. Luna Skylar shook her head and I nodded, walking upstairs.
Names. Hmmm.
"Mattie! What should we name our kitten!" I asked frantically.
"Fluff ball. Snow. Blue. Grass. I don't know." I shook my head and sat down on the bed.
"How about Minnie." He nodded and I smiled.
I sat the kitten down and went to change. I put on my black sweat pants and a white sports bra. I laid down and the kitten came over to me. I scratched her face while she purred. Mattie came in and laid next to me. Chuckling at how amused I was with the kitten. The kitten laid down and cuddled up to me. I smiled and kissed Mattie's cheek before falling asleep.

I woke up to Minnie licking my face.
"Chill out kitten." I giggled. "I'm up."
I turned over and saw that Mattie was gone. I got up and walked over to her food bowl and fed her. She ran over and started gobbling her food while I gathered my stuff and got in the shower. I put on a pair of black leggings and my crop too that had bows on it.
I went downstairs to look for Mattie and my dad told me he was in the training room.
When I opened the door I saw a shirtless Mattie who had an audience of 6 girls. I growled and stomped over to him. I picked his shirt up off the ground and pushed it to him. He looked at me confused and I just growled.
I glared at the girls and they all hurried out of the room.
"What's wrong?" He asked after slipping the shirt on. 
"They're staring at you." I growled. A smile slowly made its way onto his face before he burst into laughter. I growled and turned, walking away.
"Fine. One of those girls can be your mate then." I whispered as I opened the doors.
I didn't even get one foot out of the door when I felt his arms wrap around my waste and pull me back. He turned me around so I was facing him and I could see how mad he was. I looked down and stared at the floor.
"Don't you say that." He whispered. "You are mine. Only you. You are the only one I want. You're the only one I will ever want. I didn't even pay any mind to those girls. It's only Everest."
I looked up as a tear slipped down my face. His expression went soft and he pulled me to him. I buried my face in his chest and scrunched my nose. I pulled away and looked at him.
"You stink." I said. He laughed and took my hand, leading me to our room.
"I'll take a shower. You get ready we are going places when I get out." He said.
I nodded and started doing as he said, wondering what he planned on doing.

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