Chapter 16

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2 Weeks Later
I rolled over and looked at Mattie. He looked so peaceful when he was asleep. His curly hair was in his face and his nose twitches every few minutes. I smiled softly and got up, running to the closet. I slipped on my underwear and bra and threw on my black leggings and one of Mattie's sweatshirts.
I walked out of the closet and saw Mattie sitting up in bed.
I smiled and slipped over to him. He chuckled and got up.
"Where are you going angel?" He asked.
"Carmine, Mom, and I are going Christmas shopping." I said. "It's December 20."
"Oh yeah." He muttered. I giggled and leaned up to kiss him before leaving.
"I love you Angel!" He yelled after me.
"I love you too Mattie!"

"How are you mom?" I asked. We were sitting in the food court at the mall after shopping for 3 hours. Carmine was eating her pizza while mom picked at hers.
"I'm doing better." She smiled sadly. "I'll be okay though. Don't worry." I nodded and got up to throw the trash away.
"Oh my gosh!" I spun around as Carmine stood up with wide eyes. "My water broke!" My mom squealed and I ran over.
We helped her to the car and I threw a towel over my seats. My das had gotten me the car when I turned sixteen so I try keeping it nice. My mom shook her head at me as we helped her in.
I jumped in the driver seat and sped to the pack doctors.

"One more push Carmine." Zead said. She yelled and squeezed my hand.
"Damn it Carmine!" I yelped.
She loosened her grip a little bit but still held on.
"I'm never doing this again!" She yelled as she gave one final push.
We smiled as we heard a baby start to cry.
"It's a baby boy." Zead announced. I squealed and clapped my hands.
He handed the baby to Carmine and she smiled as tears filled her eyes.
"Andrew Marcus Moon." She mumbled. My mom put her hand to her mouth and looked at her. Carmine looked up and nodded. My mom smiled as tears rolled down he face.
I walked through the doors where Mattie, Jaylen, and Jacklen were all waiting.
"It's a boy." I grinned. They all cheered and followed me into the room.
"He's beautiful." Mattie said as he picked him up. I smiled at the sight of him holding him. I can't wait until we have children of our own.

"I swear to god Matthew!" I yelled.
"It's not my fault!" He yelled back.
"You didn't have to smile at her!"
"All she said was that she liked my damn hair!"
"Get out!" I hurled a lamp across the room and he jumped out of the way. He stormed out of the room and slammed the door shut.
It's been about a week now since Andrew was born and he's doing great. I turned and punched the wall, immediately regretting it as I heard a something crack. I shook my hand and growled.
Flashback to about 30 minutes ago.
Me and Mattie we're walking down to the kitchen when a female looked at him and told him she liked his hair.
I don't know why but it really plucked my nerves.
"Mine." I growled. The girl looked at me and lowered her head in submission. I growled but Mattie grabbed my arm.
"I'm sorry." He said to the girl. She looked up at him and he had the audacity to smile at her! He shouldn't smile at her. He's mine.
This resulted in me storming upstairs and him following. He tried to calm me down at first. Which resulted in me getting even more mad. Long story short, he grew agitated with me. So he yelled, I yelled. And then I broke my favorite damn lamp.
My favorite lamp. I sank to the floor as tears rolled down my face. That was my favorite lamp. I broke my favorite lamp.
"That was my favorite lamp and I broke it." I mumbled to myself.
I jumped up as my door swung open. I let out a sight of relief as I saw it was just Darius and Ciara.
"You never called or texted when you got home." Darius grumbled.
"I'm sorry." I said, wiping the tears off my face. "There was a lot going on."
"Come here." Ciara held her arms open. I ran into them and laid my head on her shoulder.
"I'm sorry Evie." Darius said as he hugged me.
"I miss him so much." I whispered. "And now. I'm yelling at Mattie. And I've been a terrible mate. I haven't even went to see Carmine and Andrew. I'm ruining everything."
"No Evie. Not at all." Ciara mumbled into my hair. "You're going through some stuff. It's okay. It'll get better."
"No Ciara. It never gets better, you only get used to it." I said.
"It's alright. I promise." She said. I nodded and we let go of each other.
"Now come one. Let's go get some ice cream. We'll get some movies and catch up." Ciara said. I nodded and went to get my shoes.

I walked into the house feeling a bit better. We had gotten a bunch of ice cream and lots of movies for the night. I stopped in my tracks, causing Ciara to bump into me and Darius catching her. Mattie had a suitcase full of his stuff, standing at the bottom of the steps.
"I need to go check on my pack. And you're going through some stuff. I can't help you. You've made that clear. So maybe you need some space." Mattie said.
"Oh. Okay." I whispered. I brushed past him and ran up the steps.
"Jackass." I heard Ciara hiss right before the door shut.
I ran through the halls and burst into my moms room.
"Mom!" I cried. "He left! I drive him away! He doesn't love me!" I couldn't stop the tears that fell down my face.
"Hey. Baby girl. Come here. Tell me what happened." My mom said, opening her arms. I dropped into them and explained what had happened.
"He'll be back. I promise." She whispered. I nodded and and just sat there. It felt good to be in her arms. After everything that had happened, I needed her.
"Do you want to join us for movies tonight, Luna Mia?" Darius asked as him and Ciara walked in.
"Darius! How many times do I have to tell you. It's either Mia or Mom. Enough with the Luna." My mom chuckled.
It was then that I noticed how Darius and Ciara's hands were interlocked and I saw the marks on their necks. I jumped up and pointed my finger at them.
"You guys are mates!!" I squealed. They both started laughing and nodded their heads. "I knew it!! I knew it!!" I ran over and hugged them. "Let's go! Coming mom?" She nodded and got up. Movies and ice cream sounds perfect right now.

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