Chapter 14

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Everest's POV
We were all getting ready for dinner when I heard a howl. I ran outside and saw the Keegan and his wolves were all gathered.
"You either get off my territory willingly or I will make you leave" I growled. My dad and everyone else came outside. Mattie walked up behind me and growled.
"I guess you'll have to make me." He chuckled. I shifted and howled. My pack doing the same. I saw all the untrained wolves and children start to run for the pack house while the others protected them.

I fought rogue and yet rogue when I heard an ear piercing scream. I looked over and saw Jacklen being pinned down by a rogue. I shifted and sprinted over. I kicked the rogue and jumped in front of her.
"Don't touch my family." I snarled. The rogue jumped at us and I put my arms out. I felt the energy run through my arms and I saw the rogue make contact with the shimmering wall. I left it there and turned around. Jacklen jumped up and hugged me.
"Evie." She cried. "He bit me."
I growled and gave her a serious look.
"Listen to me carefully." I said. She nodded and looked at me as tears fell down her face. "You're going to run. The wall will go with you. You run. And you don't come back no matter what."
"Okay." She whimpered.
"I love you" I kissed her head.
"I love you too." She whispered.
I nodded my head and she took off running. I moved the wall with her and made sure she was safe. As the wall followed her it slid off of me and the rogue started barreling towards me. I closed my eyes and kept my focus on keeping the wall up, bracing myself for the impact, but it never came. I opened my eyes and saw one of our warriors and tackled the rogue and snapped his neck. I nodded at him and he nodded back and ran off helping others. I looked over and noticed Jacklen was safe when I got a pain in my stomach. I put the wall around the safe house and started running, looking for Mattie. I knew that the pain in my stomach was him.

I found him in the woods, growling at a large, brown wolf. I immediately recognized him as Keegan and snarled. He looked over at me and shifted.
"My dear Everest!" He smiled. "How nice to see you!"
"Get the hell off my land." I growled. "Take what's left of your rogues and leave or I will kill you." He laughed and took a step closer. Mattie growled and stood in front of me.
"Well. You will come with me if you want me gone." He said. I glowered at him and Mattie shifted.
"Leave my mate alone." He snarled.
"She won't be yours for long." He snarled.
Mattie shifted and jumped on him before he could get another word out. He slashed across his chest and I watched as Keegan's eyes closed.

We won. It was over.
"Angel." Mattie shifted and ran over, engulfing me in a hug.
I hugged him as tears ran down my face.
"Your stomach!" I yelled.
There were claw marks across his stomach that were bleeding profusely.
"I'll be fine angel. They're already starting to close." He assured me. I nodded and we walked back to the main field.
I stood in the middle and yelled for everyone to stop. Surprisingly, they did. They all turned towards me and I held my head up high.
"Keegan has fallen. You will all leave or die, your choice." I announced. Just like that, the rogues scattered.
"Give them five minutes to get off our land, after that kill whoever remains on our land." I told the warriors. They nodded and I let down the wall around the safe house. Everyone ran out and searched for their loved ones. Only a few of our pack members had fallen. I began to search for my family when I heard a scream. Everyone looked around until we saw who it was.
My mom was sitting on the ground next to a slumped over figure. I ran over and dropped to my knees.
"Daddy no." I cried. My dad laid there, blood pouring from his chest. "Please. Please no."
My mom sat there, staring at him.
He coughed and opened his eyes a little bit.
"Come here Love." He whispered to my mom. She leaned in and he whispered something in her ear. She nodded and she kissed him.
Next he waved me over and I did as he asked.
"I love Everest. You and all your siblings. You guys are my reason for existing. But I've run out of time." He coughed. "You will make a great Alpha Female. I believe in you." He weakly raised his hand in a salute and I nodded.
"I love you too daddy." I cried as he went lifeless. Mattie grabbed me and pulled me to him.
"Why him." I looked up. His eyes were filled with sorrow and he shook his head.
"I don't know angel. I'm sorry." He whispered. I laid my head on his chest and sobbed as he carried me into the house and up to our room.

I woke up in my bed and laid there. I didn't know what to do. It's been three days since my dad died and I don't know what to do. We are all a wreck. Mattie has helped as much as he can, but my dad was a friend to him so I know he's hurting as well. I slowly got up and went to the shower.
The funeral is today and tomorrow I have to find Keegan. We thought he was dead. But when we went to burn his body he was gone. So he's either alive, or a rogue took his body somewhere, but we can't take chances. No one else will die because of me.

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