Chapter 9

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"Hey mom, dad." Me and Carmine walked into the living room.
We had gotten home a few hours ago. After she put all of her new stuff away she decided to tell them.
Jaylen and Jacklen were sitting with them eating dinner.
"I need to tell you something." I saw the tears come to her eyes and I grabbed her hand. I sat her on the couch and nodded to her.
"I'm pregnant." She whispered. Everything went quite and tears started streaming down her face. My mom put her hand to her mouth and looked at her.
"How?" She asked quietly. Carmine explained the entire story and I hugged her to me.
"Hey. Shh. It's okay." I mumbled.
"Please don't hate me." She sobbed.
"Oh sweetheart. We will never hate you." My mom said. "Come here." Carmine got up and ran over to her. She hugged her as my dad got up and walked away. She stared at the door way and started crying harder.
"It's okay. He's just upset." I said. I walked out after him and ran to catch up with him.
"Go away Everest." He growled.
"No." I growled back. He stopped and looked at me. "You're my dad and I love you. But you're also her dad. She needs you right now. If you don't walk back in there and give her the support she needs she might not accept your support later." I walked away and went back into the house. Mattie was in the kitchen looking in our fridge.
"Looking for something in particular?" I asked. He turned around and ran over to me.
"Your back!" He yelled. "I missed you!" He hugged me and kissed my head.
"I missed you too." I giggled.
"What's wrong with Carmine? I walked in the living room and I saw tears so I decided I was out."
"She's pregnant." I said. I explained the whole story and he looked at me.
"Who?" He growled.
"What? Why are you so upset?" I grumbled.
"She's like my sister. Who broke her heart. I'll break him." He growled. I rolled my eyes and shook my head.
"I already took care of that." I said. He just nodded and went back to looking for food.
"Where are the cookies?" He asked me.
"We don't have any." I said.
"Yea right." He gave me a skeptical look. "You always have cookies. It's you. You just hide them."
"Pshh. What? Me? Noooo." I giggled.
"Come one angel." He started walking over to me. "I just want a cookie." With every step forward he took I stepped backwards.
"No." I laughed. He jumped for me and I turned around and ran.
I ran into the living room and smiled. My dad was in there hugging Carmine and my mom.
"Help!" I yelled. I jumped behind Carmine and Mattie ran into the room.
"I just want a single cookie damn it!" He exclaimed. My dad laughed and shook his head. "Good luck with that one." Mattie groaned and walked back towards the kitchen.
I went upstairs and sat on the floor of my kittens new room. I unpacked all of her toys and then started to set up her scratching post.
It took me a few hours to get it all done but I finished.
I went into my room and picked up my phone. I had one missed call and there was a voicemail so I played it.
"Hello Everest. I hope you remember me. I'll be back. I promise." I dropped my phone and backed away. That raspy voice and the way he said my name. It's the rogue that tried to kill me and Mattie the other night, the one that saw what I can do.
"Mom!" I yelled. "Come here!"
"What is it sweety?" She walked in. I picked up my phone and played the message for her. "What the hell?" She growled lowly.
"Mom. I have to tell you something." So I told her everything. From the wall I put up, to the dream I had. She looked at me in confusion.
"You can thank me for your gift? When I protected you..?" She sat down and stared at the floor for a few minutes.
She popped up and looked at me.
"I know when it happened."
Flashback To When Mia Was Pregnant With Everest In Mia's POV
I guess he forgot. Oh. I grabbed his car keys as tears pooled in my eyes. I got in the car and started driving. Maybe he lied. Maybe he really doesn't want this baby. Or me. Tears ran down my face as I continued to drive. What if he left me. What if he never loved me. What if always and forever didn't mean as much as I thought it did. I was so busy thinking that I stopped watching the road. Something ran into the road and I tried turning quickly but it was too late. I lost control of the car and I instantly wrapped my arms around my stomach. I felt a surge of power go through my stomach and gasped.
Everest POV
"All I thought of was you. Everything else left my mind. I just new I had to save you." My mom whispered. I hugged her and she kissed the top of my head. "I'm sorry."
"Mom. Don't say sorry. You did nothing wrong." I whispered. "It's okay mom. I promise." She nodded and smiled at me. She left my room and I got into a pair of shorts and a sports bra.
"Mattie!" I yelled. He wasn't upstairs yet so I walked downstairs to look for him. I found him in the kitchen and I screamed.
"What the hell?" I yelled. He stopped what he was doing and looked up at me.
"I'm sorry!" He said quickly.
"No!" I yelled. "Why the hell would you do something like this?" I felt tears start streaming down my face.
"But angel. They're just cookies!" He exclaimed.
Yes. I was crying over cookies.
"But they were my cookies. And you are them!" I yelled back.
"Angel. I'm sorry."
"I don't care." I growled.
I stopped up the stairs and went into Minnie's room.
"I'm sleeping with you tonight." I locked the door and laid down on the bed that was in there, cuddling with her.
"You're the only person who loves me." I said.
I know. She's a cat. But she can still be a person.
I tossed and turned that night. I had gotten so used to sleeping next to Mattie that I just couldn't fall asleep. It was just cookies. But they were my cookies. And he ate all of them. It's his fault.
I let all of these thoughts run through my head until I fell asleep.

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