Chapter 3

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"Are you all packed Everest?" My dad asked as I came downstairs.
"Yes dad." I said. He nodded and grabbed all the bags, going to the car.
"Bye mom." I hugged her. She kissed my cheek and smiled at me.
"Be good for your father honey."
"Bye Ev!" Jaylen and Jacklen ran up to me. I hugged them both and kissed their heads.
"Be good for mom. I'll see you when I get back."
Carmine came up and hugged me. We have always been really close.
"Bye CarCar." I hugged her tight. She laughed and squeezed me back.
"Bye Ev."

As me and my dad drove away I started to feel anxious. I'm becoming alpha soon and I'll have to do it on my own. I laid my head on the window and fell asleep.

"Everest. Wake up sweet heart." My dad shook me awake. I groaned and lifted my head.
"Which pack is this?" I asked.
"The White Stone Pack. This is where Alpha Dylan lives." He said. I nodded and got out of the car.

When we got to the door it opened and Alpha Dylan stood there.
"Everest! You look so grown up!"
"Alpha Dylan! I missed you." He hugged me and i smiled. He was one of my dads good friends and used to come over a lot when I was a kid.
"I missed you too kiddo." He smiled. "This is my beta, Darren Lightner." When heard that last name I froze. Cade Lightner. It couldn't be. I shook Beta Darren's hand and smiled.
"I'm Everest." I said.
"It's nice to meet you dear."

Alpha Dylan invited us in and sent someone to get our bags.
"I'll have my son show you to your rooms." Beta Darren announced.
I heard someone walk in and I looked away. I could tell who it was by sniffing the air.
"Hello Alpha Marcus. I'm Cade." I looked up and saw him shake my dads hand.
"Hello Cade. This is my daughter, Everest." Cade smiled at me and put his hand out. I reached out and shook his hand. To my surprise there were no sparks. He looked just as shocked.
"Well. I'll show you to your rooms." We nodded and followed him up the steps.

"Here's your room Alpha." My dad nodded and walked into his room.
The room next door was mine.
He followed me in and I glared at him.
"What do you want asshole." I growled.
"What the hell did you do?" He growled back. "Where are the Sparks."
"Hell if I know. You're the one who rejected me. Now out." I pointed to the door and he continued to stand there. "Get out." I growled. He growled back and grabbed my arm.
"Where's the Sparks?"
"I don't know. Let go of me." When he didn't let go I growled and punched him with my free hand. He yelped and jumped back.
"What the hell?" He shouted.
"I told you to let go of me." I snarled.
The door flung open and there stood my very pissed off father and Alpha Dylan.
"What the hell is going on?" Alpha Dylan asked.
"Ask him." I growled.
"She punched me out of no where."  He said. I growled at him and he scooted over.
"Liar. This asshole rejected me on my birthday. There aren't any sparks anymore so he barged in here wondering why. When he grabbed my arm I gave him warning and told him to let go. When he didn't I punched him." Cade growled and gave me a look. My dad gave him a look that could kill.
"You rejected her?" He roared. Cade just bowed his head and said nothing.
"Get out." Cade ran out of the room and my dad walked over.
"Why didn't you tell me?" My dad whispered.
"Because. It wouldn't of done any good. I'm a freak. I always have been. Now I'm a freak without a mate." I said. My dad shook his head and pulled me to him as tears slid down my face.

We stayed like that for awhile. My dad pulled away and looked at me.
"I love you sweety. You are not a freak. You are perfect." He kissed my forehead and smiled. "Dinner is in an hour and we leave tomorrow." I nodded and walked into the bathroom. I wiped my face and redid my makeup. I opened my suitcase and put on my black skirt with a pink blouse. I let my hair down and ran a brush through it. I walked downstairs and just prayed that all went well.

"Everest. We need to head out soon." My dad shook me awake the next morning. I groaned and got up. I put on my white sweatpants and my pink tank top. I threw my hair into a messy bun and grabbed all my stuff, taking it down to the car. I sat in the car on my phone waiting for my dad. He hopped in the car and smiled at me.
"Alright. Next pack is The Dark Stone Pack. Home to Alpha Ryan." I nodded and we drove away.

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