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-8 Years Later-
I watched as Reagan around the back yard with her father as I held little Jeremiah in my arms. He was just 3 months old. He looked identical to Mattie except for his eyes. He has electric blue eyes. I smiled as he squirmed around a little bit. There's been no sign of any rogues lately. It's been a good eight years. Reagan definitely had my sass and attitude. She made that clear. I shook my head as I thought of all the times she would mouth off to her dad and I. Mattie would always get frustrated. But he would never yell or get really mad. He was patient with her. She loved her little brother dearly and would always help me feed him and change his diapers. She was a sweetheart with a bad attitude. Definitely my daughter.

I continued to stare down at Jeremiah until I heard a scream. I jumped up and held Jeremiah close to me, running out of the back door. Mattie and Reagan were no where in sight.
"Mattie!" I yelled. "Reagan!" I held Jeremiah tight as I ran through the woods, following their scent.
I screamed as I reached a river and saw Mattie laying on the ground with a very alarmed Reagan in front of him. There were three people laying on the ground in pain.
"Reagan!" I yelled. She looked at me and I gasped. Her eyes were shining as tears streamed down her face.
"They tried to hurt daddy. I don't know what happened." She cried out.
"Come here sweaty." I held Jeremiah in one hand as she ran over to me. I pulled her to me and kissed her forehead. "It's okay Baby. I got you." I looked up and saw one of the people reach for a gun that was laying on the ground.
"No!" I yelled. I put my wall up as he pulled the trigger. I watched the bullet smack into my wall and go flying back towards the shooter. I turned away as the bullet pierced through his eye, pulling Reagans face away so she couldn't see.
I put Jeremiah into her arms and crawled over to Mattie.
"Mattie." I whimpered. "Mattie please be okay." I shook him. I could hear his heart beating very slowly. He slowly opened his eyes and smiled at me.
"It's okay Angel." He whispered. "It'll be okay." I shook my head as his eyes slowly closed.

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