Chapter 23

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1 Hour Later
"Just one more push Luna!" Zead said. I gripped Mattie's hand and gave one last push. I laughed when I heard the cry of a baby. I laid my head back and looked at Mattie.
"Never again." I mumbled. He laughed and squeezed my hand.
"Here you are Luna." Zead said, holding a pink bundle of blankets. He handed me the bundle and I smiled when I saw my baby in the middle of all the blankets. She started to open her eyes and I held my breath, hoping her eyes were normal, hoping she wouldn't be stuck like me. She opened her eyes and I smiled. She had bright blue eyes with a ring of green. I heard Mattie take a deep breath and I looked at him.
"Here." I handed him the baby and he smiled down at her.
"Hello Reagan. Welcome to the family." He whispered, kissing her forehead. She smiled and looked up at him. I laughed as happy tears leaked out of my eyes.
"Hey." My mom and Carmine came in quietly. I smiled and waved them over. They both walked over and their eyes lit up.
"I have Uncle Hayden and Uncle Reed picking up Andrew and the twins and their going to be here shortly." My mom said. I nodded and smiled. My uncles have been busy with all of the pack stuff so they haven't stopped by lately. After everyone held her, Reagan was handed back to me and I cuddled her to me.
"I love you Ray." I said softly. She smiled and I giggled.

A few minutes later Uncle Hayden and Uncle Reed had come in with Slater. He's 20 now so I don't see much of him. He used to come over a lot and play but as he got older he made other friends. He smiled at me and I smiled back.
"Hey guys." I said.
"Hey sweety." Uncle Hayden came over and looked down at Reagan. He smiled and looked at me.
"She looks just like you." He mumbled. I smiled and held her out to him. He gently took her and held her before passing her to Uncle Reed. Jaylen and Jacklen came running over to the bed, trying to catch a glimpse of her.
"Hey. Come here." I said. They both climbed on the bed and Uncle Hayden handed her back to me.
"This is Reagan. She is your niece." I said to both of them. They smiled and looked at her in awe.
"Wanna hold her?" I asked. Jacklen nodded while Jaylen shook his head. I chuckled and handed her to Jacklen.
"Be very gentle." I said. She nodded and held her.
"She's so cute." She giggled. I nodded and giggled along with her. I yawned and Mattie looked at me.
"Alright. Let's give Everest some time to rest." He said. Everyone nodded and shuffled out of the room. He took Reagan and laid her in her crib as I closed my eyes, falling asleep.

2 Days Later
"Hey Angel. How you feeling?" Mattie said as I walked into the kitchen.
"Tired." I grumbled.
I was released yesterday and allowed to come home with Reagan. Since then I don't think she's even slept. She's been crying all night.
"I finally got her to sleep." I said. Mattie nodded and smiled at me.
"Let me take care of her tonight. You always get up when she cries. Let me tonight." He offered. I smiled and nodded, sitting down on the stool.
"What do we do know?" I asked. "I mean, Keegan is gone. We have our allies sorted out. We have each other. Now what?"
"I don't know Angle. I guess we just enjoy life as it is. Watch our child grow up, be happy. That's all that's left to do. We can be happy now Angel." He said, approaching me. I smiled and nodded. Being happy sounded great.

Sorry About The Short Chapter Guys!! But, I Think I'm Officially Done With This Book! I Think I'll Do An Epilogue And Then Maybe Start Another Book. I Need Opinions! Should I Write A Book About Reagan Growing Up, Keep This Series Going? Or Start Another Book That Has Nothing To Do With Any Of These Characters And End This Series All Together? Let Me Know!!
Thank You All For Being Such Patient Readers!!
-Allenah <3

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