Chapter 12

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Everest's POV
I sat up and screamed in pain. My hand went to my neck where my mark was and I clutched it.
"Mom!" I yelled. "Dad!" I sobbed as tears ran down my face.
My dad burst in the room and ran over. He removed my hand from my neck and I felt blood start running down my shoulder.
"Help me." I whimpered.
My dad picked me up and ran out of the house. He ran to the pack doctors and burst in.
"Get Zead!" My dad yelled in his alpha voice. "Now!"
"Dad it hurts." I whispered.
"I know baby girl." He whispered. He kissed the top of my head and I yelped as another wave of pain hit.
Zead came running out and waved for my dad to follow. He took us to an empty room and my dad laid me down on the bed. I cried out in pain and clutched the bars next to the bed.
"Make it STOP!" I yelled.
Zead moved my hair and grabbed a bunch of medical stuff. He cleaned up the blood and looked at it.
"Holy shit." He mumbled. "He's cutting your mark out."
"What?!" I yelled "what do you mean?!"
"Whoever has Matthew is cutting the mark out. You will no longer have his mark and he no longer have yours. You will have to re-mark each other." He explained.
I screamed and closed my eyes.
"Make it stop!" I yelled again. I saw him grab a syringe and felt a pinch on my arm before everything went black.

Matthew's POV
I yelled out in pain as he took a knife and cut through my mark.
"What the fuck are you doing?!" I yellled.
"Well ya see." He chuckled. "This silver coated knife Just removed your mark."
"I'll kill you!" I snarled.
"Not before your little mate surrenders her self to me." He smiled. I growled and struggled to free myself.
"You'll never touch my mate."
"We'll see about that."
He called in two rogues to grab me and take me back to my cell. They threw me in and locked the door. I growled angrily and heard a whimper. I remembered about Melina and calmed down.
"Sorry." I whispered.
"What happened?" She asked softly.
"They removed my mark." I growled. She gasped and I could see her struggling to crawl over. I laid on the ground as my eyes filled with tears.
My poor Angel. The pain she's experiencing right now must be way worse than mine.
My neck was on fire and it felt like my heart was being ripped out of my chest.
"I'm sorry he did this to you." She whispered. "You don't deserve it. He's an evil man." I nodded my head and closed my eyes, letting the darkness consume me.

Everest's POV
(Sorry About All The Person Skipping😬😅)
I woke up and looked around. I reached up and put my hand on my neck. There was a bandage over the spot where my mark once was. I slowly got up and went into my closet. My neck was on fire but I ignored it. Nobody will hurt my mate and get away with it.
'I need every single warrior at the training grounds now.' I sent through the pack mindlink.
I slipped on my black leggings and my black t-shirt. This is war.

"Thank you all for gathering here." My voice boomed over the clearing. "As you may know, I found my mate. And he was taken by rogues who want me." My pack growled at that and I held my hand up. "But by the end of today will we have your future alpha back." They all cheered and I headed for the office.

Three hours later and I now know the name of the rogue and his location.
"So in these last few hours we have found out that the rogues name is Keegan Smith. He was thrown out of his pack for sexually abusing his mate. His mate still lives in the pack. Her name is Maria Harden." I announced to the warriors. "He is currently 30 minutes away at the abandoned pack grounds that once belonged to the Dark Moon Pack. We leave in a few minutes to get him." The wolves all cheered and went to tell their loved ones goodbye.
I ran upstairs and put my on my old black leggings. They have tears in them from previous fights I have been in. I kept my black shirt on and slipped on my boots.
All of the warriors met me out front and we all shifted. My dad and I were leading the pack and he nodded to me. I nodded back and we took off.
This attack was a surprise attack, we were hoping that it would give us an advantage over them.
We ran through the woods and all I could think about was getting my mate back. The burning sensation that I felt on my neck was completely ignored as we raced through the woods.

When we got to the pack house we all stopped and I shifted. I signaled for them to stay put as I climbed the nearest tree. I looked out when I got to the top and I didn't see any rogues on the outside so I climbed down and nodded. I stayed in human and ran towards the old pack house. I sniffed the air, trying to find Mattie's scent. I kicked open the door and his scent hit me. I growled lowly when I smelt the blood.
"Keegan!" I yelled. "I want my mate. Now."
There was no response so I followed Mattie's smell down a set of steps.
I got to the bottom and looked around. I could hear the sound of my pack checking around upstairs so I began walking down a long, narrow hallway.
"Mattie?" I called out.
"Everest!" I heard someone faintly call out.
"I'm coming Mattie!" I yelled. I started running and followed his scent to a door. I slowly opened it and looked around. There was no sign of Keegan so I kept running forward.
"Mattie!" I yelled when I saw him. He was sitting in a cell hunched over. I ran over and looked for some way to open the cell. He lifted his head slowly and looked at me.
"Everest!" He sprung up and shook his head. "The bars are coated in silver. Don't touch them." I growled and took my shirt off. I wrapped it around my hand and grabbed one of the bars. They were very old and frail so I just pulled on it. It popped right off so I did it again and again until the opening was big enough. Mattie ran out and engulfed me in a hug. I melted into him and began to cry.
"I missed you so much angel." He murmured. I nodded my head and looked up at him.
"I missed you too." I whispered. I heard a groan and I jumped away, growling.
"Hey. It's just Melina. She's been held captive here." Mattie whispered.
"Where's Keegan?" I asked.
"He left. He took all of his rogues and left a few hours ago. Someone tipped him off that you were coming."
"We have a traitor?" I growled.
"It seems so."
I got Melina out of her cell and we went upstairs. I checked in with the warriors and they confirmed that the rogues were gone. We set out for home, but I still wasn't satisfied. I wouldn't be happy until Keegan was dead. And I will make sure he doesn't live.

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