Chapter 13

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Mystery POV
Everest had called us all to gather at the training grounds and told us about how she would get her mate back. I've known her since I was born so I knew that determined look she had in her eye. She would find him.
After she dismissed us I slipped into my room and grabbed my phone. I dialed the number and he picked up almost immediately.
"This better be important." He growled.
"It is Alpha Keegan. She's going to find you. You have to leave now. Hide for a bit. I'll let you know when it's safe." I said to him.
"You better be right about this Lucas. I'll kill you myself." He growled threateningly. I whimpered and assured him I was. He hung up and I went back to what I was supposed to be doing, helping the pack locate their future Alpha.
I couldn't stop thinking about Carmine and our child though. But we can't be together. This is why. Keegan has my mom. He found me a few months ago. He lets me talk to her. No one knows about her. Not even the people in his rogue pack. He keeps her hidden. I have to keep her safe so I have to do what he says. I feel guilty. But Carmine deserves better and so does our child.

Everest's POV
I walked downstairs the next morning and went into the kitchen. I sat down at the kitchen counter and stared at the wall. I didn't know what to do.
What if Mattie doesn't want to re-mark me? What will I do then?
I heard footsteps and I spun around quickly.
"Hey Angel." Mattie whispered. I could hear the concern in his voice. I smiled and stood up.
"Hi." He walked over to me and sat down, pulling me into his lap.
I curled into him and he kissed the top of my head.
"You know I love you, right?" He asked.
"I know. I love you too." I smiled.
"So what's wrong angel? Why aren't you happy?" He asked.
"Do you still want me?" I asked quietly.
"Of course I do." He said.
"But. I couldn't even protect you when you needed it. I bring all of this burden into your life. We've been so caught up we haven't even joined our packs yet. I have a lot of baggage and I don't want you to get stuck with it too." I whimpered.
"Angel. Don't think like that. I love you. When I saw you, I didn't care what it took I knew that you had to be mine. When we were kids, I had the hugest crush on you. I told my dad. But he told me it's best to stay out of those types of things because none of it will matter when you find your mate. And he was right. When I saw you, nothing else did matter." He said.
"I'm sorry." I whispered.
"You don't have to apologize for anything Angel." He said. I nodded and looked up. He leaned down and kissed me and I smiled.
"I love you." I whispered.
"I love you too Angel." He whispered back. I smiled and fell asleep on his lap.

I woke up and stretched. I picked up my phone and it was 2:30. I slept the entire day. I jumped up and slipped on a pair of black sweat pants and one of Mattie's black shirts. I ran downstairs and into the kitchen. I wasn't paying attention and I bumped into something..well, more like someone. I looked up and growled. Frackin Lucas.
He looked at the ground and backed up.
"Sorry Luna." He murmured before quickly walking away. I started walking when I saw something on the floor. I picked it up and it was a phone. He must of dropped it. I went to call for him when it buzzed. I opened the message and growled.
We are all back at the pack grounds and safe. Keep an eye on Everest. I'll be back for her in a week.
I stormed out of the house and went to find my dad.
He was at the training grounds with the warriors and I walked over to him.
"we need to talk." I said lowly. He told the pack to continue and we went into his office.
"Look." I growled. I threw the phone on his desk and he read the message.
"Who does this belong to?" He asked.
"Lucas." I growled.
"We'll take care of this. Go find Mattie and your mother and siblings."
I nodded and did as he said.

Mattie was in the kitchen, my mom was in the library reading to Jaylen and Jacklen. And Carmine was sleeping. I woke her up and we went to my dads office.
"We have a traitor. And we are going to take care of that problem." My dad said. We all nodded and he started to explain.

Lucas's POV
I felt around my pockets and realized I didn't have the phone. I ran around the house trying to find it when I remembered that I had bumped into Everest earlier. She must have it.
I grabbed my phone and dialed his number.
"Who is this?" He picked up.
"I-It's Lucas. Everest, she has the phone. It has to be now or never." I whimpered. He growled and hung up. I sat on my bed and hoped that my mother was alright.

Keegan's POV
"There's been a slight change of plans!" I called out to everyone. "We leave now!"
The rogues cheered and all shifted. We ran through the woods and I planned to be there by sunset. Everest would be mine.

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