Chapter 10

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I woke up again and I was sweating. I sat up and I yelped in pain. My side hurt. So bad. I tried to get out of bed and I screamed, falling to the floor.
"Everest!" I heard Mattie shout through the door. "What's wrong."
"I don't know." I whimpered. He tried opening the door and realized it was locked. I screamed as another sharp pain erupted in my side. I heard a crack and Mattie bursted through the now broken door.
"Come here angel." He rushed over and picked me up. I sighed in relief as the pain went away.
"What's happening to me?" I whispered.
My parents ran into my room and looked at me. I was sweating and panting.
"What happened?" My mom asked.
"My side. It hurts. And I'm hot." I whined.
"You're in heat." My dad said.
"I'm in what?" I asked.
"You've met your mate. This is the moon goddesses way of trying to push things along. For 3 days you'll want nothing more than to be with him. You're going to give off a scent now that will attract every male until your marked. When he marks you you'll go through another 3 days of heat every month until you guys complete the mating. After he marks you your scent will only attract him, no other male." My dad explained.
"Mine." Mattie growled. "No other male will touch her." He cuddled up to me and kissed my forehead. I whimpered and snuggled into him.

He carried me back to our room and into the bathroom. He started an ice cold bath and helped me take my clothes off. He kept his eyes locked on mine the entire time.
"We won't do anything until you're ready angel." He whispered. I nodded and stepped into the bath. The cold water felt good but it soon turned warm due to my body heat. Mattie had left the bathroom a few minutes ago so I didn't rush for a towel when I got out. I slowly put on a pair of shorts and sports bra.
I hobbled to the bed and flopped down.
"Mattie!" I called. I called his name again and no one came. I laid there and cried myself to sleep as the pain came back.
"Everest!" My dad yelled. I slowly got up and opened the door. He hugged me and took me back to the bed. Kicking the door shut.
"Come on sweety." He whispered.
"Where's Mattie?" I whimpered.
"He can't right now. It's too much for him. He's having trouble controlling his wolf." My dad said. I nodded as tears leaked out of my eyes.
"It hurts dad." I whined.
"I know sweety. I know." He kissed my forehead and got up to leave.
"Tell Matthew to get his ass in here." I said. My dad nodded and left the room.
A few minutes later Matthew opened the door and walked in. His eyes were pitch black and when I got a whiff of his scent my eyes did the same thing.
"Mattie." I whimpered. "Make it go away." He walked over and laid down, pulling me to him.
"Angel. I wish I could." He said. I shivered at the sound of his voice and he kissed my cheek.
"Mattie." I said again. "Mark me. Please."
"Angel? Are you sure?" He asked
"Yes. I want to be yours officially." I said. That's all he needed to hear. He flipped us over and kissed me. I moaned and he chuckled. He trailed kisses down my neck and started sucking in different places until he found my spot. I moaned and dug my nails into the bed. I felt his canines come out and graze my beck for plunging into my skin. I shrieked at the sudden pain. He slowly took his teeth out and licked where he marked me. The pain turned to pleasure and I smiled.
I flipped us over so I was on top and I started kissing him until I found his spot. He groaned and I sunk my canines into him. He yelped and I felt guilty but I knew it would be over soon. I did what he did and then laid next to him.
"I love you Angel." He whispered.
"I love you too." I smiled.
"Mine." He said lowly and kissed my mark, causing me to shiver.
"All yours." I whispered back before I fell into a deep sleep.

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