Chapter 25

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As I exited my room, I was met with Loki's tall form.  I would literally sell my soul to be that tall.  That's a stupid idea.  Thank you, internal dialogue. How I love when you state the bloody obvious.

"I didn't know that this trip would consist of horse back riding."  I snapped before Loki could say anything. An annoyed look crossed his face before it was followed by a sigh escaping his lips. Boy it was fun annoying him.

"It is definitely too early for your attitude." He hissed. I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes at his response.

"And it's too early for your grumpiness, brother." I shot back.

"Horse riding is a necessity unless you wish to walk nearly twenty miles." Loki explained, leading me down the hallway. I was almost skipping to keep up with his long strides. Stupid tall brother, who thinks he can walk sooo fast.

"Can you at least slow down a little." I groaned. I'm pretty sure Loki rolled his eyes at me. Touché.

"Fine."  I snipped with a sigh and skipped so I was right beside him as we turned the corner.  There, in the new hallway, was the rest of the group—and it was a sight to be seen.

Tony and Clint seemed to be in the middle of a match of ninja and Natasha was referring. Skye, Addea and Jacob were talking and placing bets on Tony and Clint. And the two servant girls that were attempting to get the rest of Tony and Clint's riding gear together looked terrified at what they were seeing.

"What is going on?" I exclaimed, trying not to laugh. Every head spun in my direction—well, everyone except Clint. He took Tony's distraction as an advantage and brought his arm down on Tony's last hand. Clint jumped up in victory before Natasha smacked him in the back of head. Then everyone's heads were looking in my direction.

"Ninja." Was Clint's excuse.  Natasha rolled her eyes and I let out a laugh.  And they thought I was immature.

"Well, despite whatever was happening, we must be on our way."  Loki explained, not trying very hard to hide his amused smirk.


I stood staring at the massive horse in front of me. Majority of its coat was a golden brown but there were spots of white and black scattered across its snout. It was absolutely beautiful but I had not a single clue what I was doing.

"What if it bucks me off?" I asked, glancing over to Loki.  His emerald eyes responded with a roll.

"She." He quickly scolded, coming to my side.  "She won't buck you off.  Aurea is as harmless as a butterfly." 

Loki held his hand parallel to her snout and Aurea gently nudged it.  She nickered, moving from Loki's hand to my forehead. 

"See?  She likes you."  Loki smiled.  I bit the inside of my cheek before reaching up to pet Aurea.  She nickered again approvingly.

"Come on, I'll help you up." I nodded, hesitantly following Loki to Aurea side. How hard could this be?

With Loki holding my arms, I put my foot in the saddles' stirrup and attempted to pull myself up.  I swung my right leg over Aurea's back, hooking my right foot in the other stirrup.  Did I really just do that?!  I did a little mental dance in my head before looking down at Loki.

"Good job."  He chuckled, patting Aurea's neck softly.  Loki leaned his head closer to Aurea's. "Be careful now, she's my little sister." 

Aurea let out a snort in response, flicking her tail.  Did he just?

"Did you just? Did she just understand that?"  I stammered in disbelief.  He shrugged, stepping back.

"I did not do anything."  Loki chuckled with a smirk.  I narrowed my eyes.  Are you serious?

"Well, we all know why he can to talk to horses."  Tony quirked suddenly, speaking of the first time since they had entered the stables.  He, and the rest of the group, had already chosen their horses and seemed to know what they were doing.  Tony had chosen a dark grey stallion with a black snout, he was just bigger then Aurea and was flicking his tail like crazy.  Even horses can't stand him. 

Natasha settled with a mare with a jet black coat and Clint sat next to her on a dark brown mare.  Addea and Jacob had chosen an almost silver, grey stallion.  Skye had a small speckled white mare and finally Thor sat upon a sand colored stallion.

Loki's jaw clenched at Tony's comment.  He spun on his heels, glaring at him. 

"Your stupid Midguardian mythology."  He growled.  "Nearly all of it is inaccurate!"

Tony shrugged as the corners of his lips twisted into a grin.  "Just saying."  What just happened?

"I think the real question is: Does Tony want to die before he gets back to Earth? Because that's the direction we're heading." Clint added in, nearly of the group nodded in agreement.

"Why does everybody team up against me?" Tony pouted as he hanged his head.

"Well if you tried being less obnoxious, things might work out better in your favor." I chirped and Loki's head swiveled in my direction.

"I would not speak that fast. You are just as obnoxious."

Loki's comment was followed by everyone's laugh, including Tony's. Karma is coming, big time. After Loki finished laughing, he shook his head softly.

"Are you alright if I step away now? Aurea will not move until you tell her too." Loki explained. I was hesitant but I nodded again.

He drew his hand back from Aurea's neck and took a step back. Now, I was sitting on a horse—completely by myself. I watched as Loki crossed the stable to a large, jet black horse which I recognized as Skygge. The horse I rode the first time I was in Asgard.

Loki quickly pulled himself up on Skygge's back and was next to me again in seconds.

"Let's go." He announced, directing Skygge towards the massive stable doors.


sorry that it took me this long to update. I was super busy with school along with working on some of my other books.

this chapter was not a favorite of mine, yeah it's funny but it's kinda a filler chapter. anyway, I hope you enjoyed none the less.

Hanje-Zoe2001: voting
jnlopez: voting
MarvellousScarlet: voting

sorry if I missed anyone.


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