Bad day

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Your alarm wakes you up, your eyes shoot open, rolling over to cuddle with J but as always he was nowhere to be seen just a note left for you "baby doll, i'm dealing with some business will be back later-j" You sigh loudly something just feels off today. You lay in bed staring at the ceiling for a while before getting out of bed to get some breakfast. You open the fridge and look into it spacing out for a minuet before your eyes lock onto some chocolate "it's 9 in the morning do i really wan't chocolate now" you think to yourself "fuck it" you grab the chocolate and make your way to the couch switching the tv on and watching a movie. The movie wasn't exactly sad but it made you tear up for some reason with that the front door swings open and you hear the same familiar sound of J's voice echo through the house "kitten daddy's come" you quickly wipe your eyes before replying to him "in here J" you shout over to him. "chocolate for breakfast doll? that isn't like you" hes right you always tried to eat healthy, though you didn't always succeed but you were normally pretty good you always had fruit for breakfast. You look up at J and the tears start again, he wraps his arms around you tightly "baby? who do i need to kill?!" J shoots up and asks while pulling out his gun  You laugh at him as that was always his reaction when you were sad or angry "it's nothing like that J oh i don't know i just woke up like this"  J puts his gun away and picks up the chocolate "hey! i was eating that! you shout trying to get it off him "oh i know kitten that's why you're coming with me" he throws you over his shoulder and carries you upstairs with the chocolate and lays you down on the bed and climbs next to you. "j what are you doing?" you ask conflicted "baby we are going to stay here until you feel better" he laughs and takes a bite of your chocolate. "what about your business? did you get it finished?" "no but some things are more important" you sigh and nuzzle into him.. you know he's bad and scary some times but he has  this side to him that only you saw, Your bad day just got better.

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