Don't talk to me like that

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Y/N! Joker shouts slamming the front door shut i guess he is still mad that you disturbed his meeting, He enters the living room his eyes burning with anger "Look J i said i'm sorry i forgot you was in a meeting" you say standing up J growls while sharply turning his neck in a irritated manor. He stands in front of you "do you know how much money i had riding on this meeting! thousands!" he shouts into your face "if you're going to yell i'm leaving" you say about to turn to walk away but J grabs your arm "get off me" you say trying to pull your arm out of his grip "you're not going anywhere you have lost us,me loads of money you useless little girl" J growls at you. Your expression changes from angry to hurt and you swiftly pull your arm from jokers grip and leave the house J realizes what he says and punches the nearest wall you walk to you're favorite park and sit under a tree head in your hands crying softly to yourself. Your knees up to your chest and head resting on them you hear gravely foot steps come towards you, you open your eyes and see black and white shoes and you would recognize those shoes anywhere.. "go away" you say head still resting on your knees "doll come on i didn't mean it" J says in a low but soft tone but you ignore him he puts his purple coat over your shoulders the smell of his aftershave hitting you like a brick, "come on baby girl it's getting cold" j says sitting next to you and you pick your head up off your knees "i am sorry doll forget about the money it's not important" J says putting his arm around you "just come home" you nod to him and he stands up offering his hand out to you, You take his hand and he helps you up before pulling you into him you rest your head against his chest before looking up at him. He raises his non existent eyebrow to you "what is it doll?" "never ever speak to me like that again" you say narrowing your eyebrows to him and he pulls you in once again "promise" he says while kissing the top of your head.

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