Pay back

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It was no secret that you loved food.. food was life you nudge J with your foot "what do you want doll?" J says rubbing your leg "puddin can you go out and get me a pizza?" you grin "i can't doll i have work to do" J gets up and wanders off to his office you sit there with you mouth hanging open. An hour passes and J calls you to his office you open the door "puddin?" you stand there with crossed arms, "oh come to daddy.. take a seat on my lap kitten" J grins oh really you think to yourself he's too busy to get me a pizza but not busy enough to wanna get freaky. You take a seat on his lap and he purrs into your ear softly rubbing his nose against your neck, you cup his face your lips inches from each other "you wan't me? i'm all yours" you say and he growls softly leaning in closer for a kiss you stand up and he looks at you with confusion "no pizza no booty puddin" you shoot him a smile and leave his office. He mumbles to himself and gets up and stomps downstairs "where ya going puddin?" you say sarcastically.. "to get your god damn pizza" J huffs "yes" you say to yourself quietly and blow him a kiss.

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