This is why he loves you

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J was out on business there was nothing on tv so you resorted 2 laying on the floor placing M&M's on your mouth and seeing how high you can blow them, it's fair to say there were M&M's everywhere in walks J standing over you. "doll why are you on the floor?" J asks confused "because" you replied J scans the room to see if anything had been cleaned "have you done anything productive today?" J asks looking down at you "yes" you say frowning "what's that then kitten?" J humors you, "this!" you blow another M&M in the air before it falls by J's foot. He shakes his head laughing at you "baby girl your crazy and that's coming from me" he says while laying next to you "pass us one of them doll, i bet i can blow it higher than you" J grins "bring it on puddin!"

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