This is why you love him

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It was no secret that you were clumsy but tripping over your own foot and spraining your wrist took it to a whole new level. You were told to rest up but today was Y/F/N's baby shower and you couldn't let her down, You tried to get your clothes off with one hand which was proving very difficult you managed to get your jeans off but your top was the hardest part, You huff in frustration and J walks passed the bedroom and backs up after he spots you "doll what are you doing the doctor said to rest" he says entering the room "it's Y/F/N baby shower today i have to be there" you say still struggling "here let me help" J slides your top off "there, which dress are you wearing?" he asks brushing your hair over your shoulder "the red one" you point to your dress on the bed and J helps you get into it "thank you" you smile at him "need a hand with your make up?" he asks politely "i think i'll be ok" you sit down at your dresser and try applying eyeliner with your opposite hand and got it everywhere you yell out in frustration again "come here" J says before kneeling in front of you removing the messed up eyeliner off your face "let me help" he says picking up the eyeliner "don't poke me in the eye and don't make me look like a hooker" "look at me doll does it look like i don't know how to apply make up" you both laugh. J slowly applies your eyeliner while holding your face still "there!" he says quietly you could do nothing but look at him in awe he could be so sweet sometimes "this next" you say handing him lipstick he again holds your face still and applies your red lipstick, "perfect" he says smiling at you and you look into the mirror "not to shabby mistah J" you give your hair a quick comb over and give J a little kiss "thank you" you say while holding his hand "have fun" he smiles at you.

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