Chapter Fifteen: Harry

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"All the love as always. H." I sent out the tweet the day after the news had broken that Zayn had in fact left the band. He was back home in England and we had just landed in South Africa a couple hours earlier. Fans had lost their minds when it was announced, just as we expected them to.

                  I hated to admit it but it felt as if a black cloud had lifted itself from the band. Of course we all missed Zayn and wanted him back, but things seemed lighter without his attitude around. Liam was taking it the hardest and vowed to still talk to him regularly.

                  It was almost four in the morning and I couldn't sleep. I'd spent the time tossing and turning, thinking about the new album. Looking at Sam while she slept, I was so inspired to write. I opened up the note app on my phone and all the words began to come out. I even had the melody going in my mind. I hadn't noticed that Sam was awake and watching me until her small hand wrapped around my bicep. "Are you okay?" she asked.

                  Closing the app and setting my phone aside I answered, "Fine. I was just writing some lyrics down."

                  She kissed my jaw and cuddled into me. "I know you can't sleep."

                  I smiled but she couldn't see me in the dark. "You know everything, don't you?"

                  Sam sat up and turned on the lamp. The alarm read 4:43 in the morning. She turned to me and tied her hair long black hair up. "Let's go out."

                  "Sam, it's almost five in the morning. What would we do?"

                  She shrugged and threw the covers off of her, shimmying on a pair of jeans a moment later. "We could go for a drive. I used to do that all the time when I couldn't sleep."

                  I got out of bed and followed her lead. After shrugging on a plain black t-shirt I grabbed her hand and we made our way down to the lobby. The man at the front desk and the doorman were the only ones awake. Sam pulled a set of keys from her back pocket. "Where'd you get those?" I asked.

                  She smirked and led me out the back to the parking garage. "Vivian always gives me an extra set of keys to the cars in case of an emergency." She tossed them to me and we got inside, the doors echoing throughout the silent garage.

                  We drove out into the city that was surprisingly alive at this hour. Sam had the window down, loose strands of hair from her bun blowing in the breeze. I had no idea where we were or what we were doing, but being in the car with her in the silence was better than anything else.

                  Sam looked over and smiled at me and then stuck her head out the window, screaming, "I love One Direction!"     I threw my head back and laughed as she fell into her seat and laughed with me. "Did I nail the fan girl?"

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