Chapter 2

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Disclaimer: I do not PJO OR AC

Percy POV

As I sharpened the arrows of the huntress's I couldn't help but remember something Chiron told me after the second war. "I have watched you grow from a boy to a man in so short a time. It fills me with as much sadness as pride. You fit your father's shoes as if they have been tailored to your feet." I chuckled at the memory. If I really did fit in my father's shoes, then perhaps I would've accepted godhood like he would've if he were in my place. Love is a cruel mistress. Instead of being a god I chose a love that faded away. Damn you Aphrodite! These hunters really don't like men and to be honest, I don't trust women anymore. I understand why the hunters hate men. Sadly most of the men in the world are pigs and backstabbers, but I wish they would learn that not all men are that way. That sometimes it's not the man who breaks the woman's heart. But sometimes it's the woman who breaks the man's. I put the finished arrows down and sighed. I've sharpened over three thousand arrows in three hours. It irks me that I have to do everything. Why couldn't I have just said no to Zeus's offer? Oh yeah that's right, he would blast me into Tartarus. I guess it isn't all bad. Besides the pranks that they do on me, we don't really socialize. The only hunter I talk to is Thalia. She's the only one that tolerates men or it could be just me. Speaking of Thalia here she comes now.

"Hey Perce." She said. She had a big smile on her face and I wondered why. Thalia has always been a sister to me. She doesn't know of my breakup with Annabeth but I have no doubt in my mind that Artemis will tell her and the huntress sometime this month. And when she finds out, either me or Annabeth will have to face her wrath. Preferably Annabeth.

"Hey Thals." I forced a smile. Just because I wasn't happy didn't mean I would push it on good ole pinecone face.

" Milady told me to let you know that we are moving out of Yellowstone in three hours so pack up and get ready." I nodded. I've only been in the hunt for two days. In this time I figured out how to activate my fire powers. Apparently my power comes from my emotion which is dangerous. If I am too angry then my fire turns into Greek fire. That stuff burns even underwater. I figured it would take me a month or so before I mastered this technique. You see my tent is far away from the hunter camp. The reason being is that I don't want to start trouble because my manly essence is in their camp. Artemis confronted me about it earlier. I told her my reasons but she didn't seem satisfied. She told me she would talk to me later. I packed my gear. Apparently Chaos is nicer than he lets on because I have more Assassins robes, throwing knives, and some things to sharpen my weapons. I even got some poison and a tomahawk. Chaos also gave me blueprints to give to Hephaestus. I don't understand them but he said Hephaestus would. I put my equipment into my bag and got out my tent. My tent was a black color with Chaos's symbol on it and Artemis's as well. My tent was a good three miles away from the hunters. With a snap of my fingers, my tent vanished and so did the arrows I sharpened. I ran into the forest. I climbed a tree and started running on the tree tops. I always thought myself as a big clumsy warrior but with this enchantment from Chaos, I was as graceful as a deer, fast as a cheetah, nimble and light on my feet like a monkey and as acrobatic as a ninja. I scaled the treetops with ease. I felt free moving in the wilds, like I could just be me without everyone criticizing me for it. As swung from a vine, I remembered the dream of Chaos I had last night. In the dream, Chaos said I had a special ability that he didn't give me, it was something I already had and he awakened it. I call it my Assassin's sense. When I speak to someone, I can pick up lies and I can tell who I need to go after and who is my enemy. I find it really cool. I wished I had this power before, if I did then maybe I could've prevented Selina from giving info to Luke. I sighed as I reached my destination. I sat on the branch watching the hunters wait for me. No need to dwell on the past. This is my new family now and even though we don't see eye to eye. I will protect them anyway.

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