Chapter 6

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Percy POV

I was still in shock as we flew on Artemis's chariot. Talia was on my shoulder while Atalanta and Thalia were sleeping with their heads on my lab. Who would've seen the day when a man was accepted by the hunters of Artemis? I watched Artemis as she flew the moon chariot. I smiled, her auburn hair flowed softly in the wind and her eyes shone in the night. She was beautiful. I shouldn't be having these feelings. I want to blame Aphrodite but I know that she can't control who you fall in love with. She can only help nourish it. I admit it, I've fallen for the goddess of the moon but she is a maiden goddess. She cannot return these feelings even if she had them. A depressing thought but as long as I can see her, I'll manage.

Artemis POV

Every time I ride my chariot, I feel truly free. I can think in peace. I turned my head toward the man who's gained my trust and the trust and affection of the hunters. His hood was down for a change so I can see those beautiful green eyes. Thalia and Atalanta were sleeping with their heads on his lap. I smiled. I couldn't find any of the flaws of men in Percy. He was the exception to my rule. His green eyes were closing. He smiled at me and I felt my heart jump and blush rising on my face. He closed his eyes and slowly drifted to sleep. My hunters and their Guardian were exhausted. Speaking of my Guardian, I've been having strange feelings. Feelings that I thought I locked away a long time ago. For some reason my heart jumped at seeing Percy. It wasn't possible; I couldn't be falling for him. I swore to be a maiden. That no man could capture my heart. I'm gonna have talk with Aphrodite later. I can't be falling in love. Even if I do, would he remain faithful, would he truly love me? Why am I even thinking these things?

Percy POV

Artemis landed her chariot at her palace in Olympus. I looked around in confusion. She must've sensed my confusion because she said something to me,

"Were here because father said we are getting a break because we cleared out the badlands in record time. We have a month off." I nodded and smiled. She blushed. I wonder why?

"Take your sisters to their room and I'll show you yours." I nodded and picked up Thalia and Atlanta with ease. They could sleep through anything. Talia was wrapped around my neck so no problem with her. Diana and Phoebe were up so them and the other hunters showed me too their room. When they opened their door I couldn't help but smile. Their bedroom reminded me of the wild. It smelled like trees and pinecones. They had shades of silver and some green on their walls. There were fourteen beds and each had a symbol for a godly parent. They smiled at me and encouraged me to come in. I walked over to a bed with a lightning symbol on it and laid Thalia onto it. I tucked her in and kissed her forehead. She smiled. The hunters pointed to a bed which had a sun symbol on it. My eyes widened in shock. Atalanta was the daughter of Apollo. The hunters giggled at me, especially Diana. I shook my head and placed Atalanta on it. Like Thalia I tucked her in and gave her a kiss on the forehead. She like Thalia smiled. There was a bed that was plain. It was Talia's since we didn't know who her parent was. Trying to get her off me was hard. She was shaking in her sleep. My eyes widened in alarm. She was crying, mumbling "don't hurt me; don't give me to the monsters!"

"Talia wake up, wake up!" I nearly yelled. The hunters looked alarmed. Talia woke up. She looked up at me and dug her face into my chest and sobbed. I was shaking in anger. Whoever did this to her was going to be dragged to the fields of punishment by me personally. I gently held her chin so she could look at me.

"Talia, who gave you to the monsters?" She started to cry again but she told me.

"My evil cousins and their friends, they hated me because I was a girl." I was seething with rage now but held it in for her.

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