Chapter 19

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Disclaimer: I do not own PJO

Percy POV

I found Jason and Nico at the principia discussing what they were to wear at the ball. I snickered a bit, they sounded like teenage girls hyped up about prom. I casually walked up and tapped Nico on the shoulder, making him jump in surprise. Jason and I roared with laughter. Nico was glaring at me. I smirked.

"Figure out what you're going to wear miss?" He punched my shoulder as hard as he could. I grinned when I heard his fist crack.

"Dammit what are you made of?" Nico yelled as he grabbed his abused hand. Jason rolled his eyes and I ignored Nico's childish question. Jason began explaining to me about the ball. It was going to last from 8:00 to 12:00 AM. I learned it's also a celebration for my engagement. I've always liked the Romans and now I like them even more. I nodded to Jason once I received all the information. Nico, Jason and I strode out of the principia and headed to the Market district. It's kind of irritating when woman that know that you're engaged try to get a feel on you or just stare at you. Actually it's quite freaky. Jason and Nico snickered at my annoyed look, a few arrows in the butt quickly shut them up. We stopped at a place called "Gentlemen's Suits". All three of sighed and walked in. There were suits everywhere and I mean everywhere. A lot of them looked really good too. A lady walked over to us. I realized she was a shop lady.

"Signore Perseus, what can I get for you today?" The lady asked. She was a pretty brunette, daughter of Venus perhaps since her eyes are like a kaleidoscope.

"My friends and I are in need of top quality suits for tonight." Jason and Nico nodded in confirmation. The lady smiled and dragged us off to measure us and etc. I felt like a girl with a shopping bag filled with clothes. Nico, Jason and I ended up buying more than just one suit because we couldn't figure out which ones we liked. The shop lady waved goodbye and we went to another place called "Top quality masks." I gave Jason a curious look. He shrugged.

"They only come once a year." I nodded and the three of us went inside. Once we were inside, we gasped in awe. There were rows upon rows of masks that looked amazing. Like little kids in a candy store, we ran around trying on different masks. Luckily our trip didn't end up like the suits and we only bought one mask each. As we were about to leave the market district, a flash of light fell upon us and we were in the presence of Venus herself. Her features seemed softer than Aphrodite's which is strange but whatever. Her eyes narrowed when she saw the three of us.

"You three are coming with me. You will look perfect for this ball since some of the gods are coming." We gulped and next thing we knew, we were somewhere in New Rome in a bathhouse. Venus tapped her foot impatiently.

"Hurry up and get a bath, I'll have everything prepared since you only have an hour so hurry up!" We nodded simultaneously. We feared the goddess of love and weren't afraid to admit it. Jason especially since he's dating her daughter. We rushed into the waters, making sure to scrub ourselves down efficiently as possible. By the time we were finished, we were sparkly clean and not a single speck of dirt on us. I wrapped a towel around myself and teleported to one of the dressing areas in the bathhouse. I was in a nice little stall with a very large mirror. I found my suit ironed very neatly with gel and cologne next to it. I said a silent prayer of thanks to

Venus and started to dress. I dressed myself in a Signature 3-Button Notch Lapel Tuxedo, it was as black as night. Under the jacket I had a black dress shirt and a deep silver tie. I placed on my black dress shoes and took a look in the mirror. Not too shabby if I say so myself. I grabbed the gel Venus gave me and styled my hair in its original untamed spiky look. I took a look at my cologne to see the brand. It was called "NOIR". It smelled pretty good. I sprayed some on. I grabbed my mask and held it close. I walked out of the door to meet Jason and Nico waiting for me on the other side. Nico was dressed similar to me. He had a Signature 3-Button Notch

Lapel Tuxedo and he had a black dress shirt. The difference was that he had a black tie, not a silver one. Jason was the brighter colored one out of our little trio. He wore a light blue Signature 3Button Notch Lapel Tuxedo, he had a black dress shirt and blue tie. I smirked a bit.

"We have the same brand Tux why?" I asked. They smirked right back at me.

"Great minds think alike." We said in unison. We had a high five moment and then Venus had to ruin it by walking in. She was dressed in a sensual pink ball dress. She wasn't shy about the cleavage either. I wasn't effected in anyway thankfully. Artemis or Diana kept popping up in my mind so I was fine. Jason must've been thinking about Piper to keep his mind away from no man's land. Nico, poor Nico has no one to prevent him from drooling. He was gawking at Venus who was smirking at his reaction. A good slap upside the head woke him up. He glared at me as he rubbed his head in pain. Jason snickered and I hid a grin. Venus was giving me a sultry look. She sauntered over to me and put her hand on my chest.

"My, My Perseus, you looked absolutely handsome. How about we skip the party and head to my room on Olympus." She said with a seductive purr. I rolled my eyes. I was immune to her charms.

"Sorry I have a date in a half an hour." I said as I looked at my watch. It was 7:30. She pouted by left. Jason and Nico snickered quietly. I glared at them and together we walked toward what we call the party house. We arrived twenty five

minutes later after getting swarmed by woman who know full well that I'm engaged but they continued to flirt anyway. How does Apollo deal with this every day? Before we opened the doors of the party house we placed on our masks. Mine was a simple black mask like the phantom of the opera except that one was white. It had silver around the eyes so it looked pretty cool. Nico had a black mask with horns on it that fit perfectly on him. Jason again was the brighter of us. He had a dark blue mask in a style similar to mine except his had a lightning bolt on it. We stood tall and proud. "Shall we Gentlemen?" I said with humor in my voice. They had a laugh and responded in an equally amused voice.

"We shall." Jason opened the door and we stepped inside at the same time. The room got quiet once we stepped in. Everyone was staring at us. Everyone had some really cool masks, the DJ even had one. There were tables and tables of food and drinks, some that were questionable for some of the kids ages. We smirked and walked to the middle of the floor. Jason held up his three of his fingers.



"3" Chaos ensued and we were swarmed by lots of Venus chicks. I used my god powers to teleport myself to the other side of the room and leave Jason and Nico for dead. They're big boys. They can take care of themselves. I looked through the crowd and noticed a lot of people either wearing regular masks or Venetian masks. Apparently they had colorful dresses and suits because one guy had a pink suit. I looked for my sisters and Fiancée. They were actually quite easy to find. Diana stood out in an

Adrianna Papell Pleat Bodice Rosette Ball Gown. How in the hell do I know these brands.... Dammit I forgot Venus gave me a blessing when I first became a Guardian. The dress was a rich silver color and her long auburn hair was straightened and ran down her back. She wore very light makeup. For a second I forgot what my name was. I just stared and stared till a hand waved in my face. It was Thalia. She was wearing black strapless dress and she wore a silver mask.

"Well Seaweed Brain, are you gonna give googly eyes at Diana or are you going to go over there?" I snapped out my trance and thanked Thalia. She punched my shoulder playfully and left to find her brother. It was kinda hard to tell who was who with these masks. Guess that was the point. I strode to Diana with confidence. She was looking the other way but she was wearing a silver mask with a half-moon on it. I smiled gently and covered her eyes. She stiffened in alarm.

"Guess who?" I asked playfully. She relaxed instantly and chuckled. I grinned.

"I don't know.... Apollo?" I groaned in mock horror. She giggled and removed my hands of her eyes. She turned around and faced me. I had a moment of smug satisfaction. Her eyes widened and her mouth was agape.

"Wow, you look handsome." Was all she could say? I chuckled, she has no idea how better she looks than me.

"Diana my dear, you look absolutely stunning tonight, May I have a dance?"

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