Chapter 20

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Disclaimer: I do not own PJO.

Third Person POV

Percy and Diana swayed to the melody of the music. Diana's head rested on Percy's chest while Percy held her close. Some of the hunters danced with the Romans, they really didn't like it that much but they gave it try at least. The big three had arrived before the godly couple decided to dance and had made a grand announcement that the wedding of Diana/Artemis and Perseus Jackson would commence in a weeks' time. The three brothers sat together, occasionally having a bit more wine that they should and surprisingly getting along well. The couple paid them no mind, the only one's there were them. Jason and Reyna danced together, albeit awkwardly since Piper was watching them with steel in her eyes and Nico danced with Thalia. It was funny to see since Nico was shorter. Talia just watched her big brother and mistress enjoy each other's presence. She was happy that her brother finally got the happiness he deserved. He's been through too much for someone his age, he deserved this. Neptune watched his son and soon to be daughter in law with caution. He is worried that maybe their love isn't real. A hand landed on his shoulder. Venus smiled at him and nodded. His worries eased and he smiled back. Jupiter kept his eyes on Percy; violent thoughts swam throughout his mind about what he would do to Perseus if he hurt his daughter. Jupiter smiled at his thoughts.

Percy POV

After several swigs of wine and other things I shouldn't have, Diana and I decided to dance one last time before leaving to Rome. As we slow danced, I began to ponder on what's to come. Ourea, the Primordial of Mountains hasn't made an appearance yet. I know that he'll be awake in a years' time but why wait? I sighed and cleared my mind. All that mattered was her, nothing else. A warm touch was felt upon my cheek. I opened my eyes to meet the silver concerned ones of Diana.

"What's wrong amore?" She asked gently. I smiled at her concern. I was just tired, that's it.

"It's nothing Diana, just tired is all." She smiled.

"Let's leave now then." I nodded, too tired to care. Jupiter noticed us leaving and bellowed out our names.

"PERSEUS AND DIANA!" We froze. Jupiter saw our reactions and bellowed with laughter. He walked to us and held out what looked like a piece of paper to me in the palm of his hand. I hesitantly took it and opened it. It was a key for a room in the Hotel De Russie. I raised an eyebrow. "It's at the top of the hotel, not inside. Sort of like

Olympus on the top of the Empire State Building. There are automatons and servants that will do anything you please." I was shocked. The god that I thought hated me more than Ares just booked us an awesome vacation. He glared at me.

" What? I can be nice. My children get the best and unfortunately you are going to be one of children." That made me feel all warm and cuddly inside. He chuckled at my pouting expression and pushed me and Diana out the ball, not before several goodbyes from the hunters and trying to pry Talia off my leg. Before I knew it, we were in the air in Diana's chariot. I sighed and sat down, resting my head against the railing of the chariot. My form began to shimmer and my hair returned to normal. My green eyes weren't as narrowed and stern anymore. My tuxedo was replaced with a tight black shirt and Helix™ M65 Military Jacket. Dammit Aphrodite, I don't have to know a clothes brand!

"Yes you do." Aphrodite's voice rang throughout my head. I growled and her presence left my mind. I had a pair of slim jeans and a pair of black Mikey Taylor S Shoes. I had an IPOD in my pocket with a pair of SE535 Sound Isolating Earphones. Okay who in the hell gave me that knowledge?

Hehehe, I did." Apollo's laughter ran throughout my skull. I sighed and tuned him out. Diana had changed back into her Greek form. Artemis concentrated on the night in front of her. She was dead tired. I lazily snapped my fingers and three cubs appeared before me. These three were three out of the four sacred animals I had. A cute little grey wolf was peering at me with curious eyes. A lazy lion cub just gazed at me and yawned and a little bear cub curled up next to me. I had the three cubs lay down next to me, and then I stood up and placed my hand on Artemis's shoulder. "Get some rest, your deer know where they are going." She looked like she wanted to protest but the stern look in my eye said otherwise. She let go of the reins and laid down where I was originally. The cubs snuggled up to her, seeking warmth. Those three will help her sleep, I just know it. I rubbed one of the deer's back.

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