Chapter 15

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Disclaimer: I don't own PJO

Artemis POV

We were on our way to Olympus to consult with my father about the strange things that have been happening. Monsters were coming about in great numbers and the Giants were stirring once more. A titan is honestly normal nowadays but a giant to be risen so quickly shouldn't be possible. We saw Leon, the lion headed giant

who was killed by that horrible man Heracles. Instead of fighting him, we saw it best to avoid him for now and alert the gods. We didn't get that far. We strolled the Appalachians on our way to New York when an arrow flew from the trees and whizzed past my head. My hunters and I turned in the direction it came from and fired arrows into the trees. A giant figure jumped out of the trees and I met a face I haven't seen in over a thousand years.

Gration the giant of the hunt. He looked utterly beautiful but under that exterior was an evil that rivaled Gaia or Terra, whatever you want to call her. He smirked at me, his eyes cold and unforgiving.

"Artemis my dear, it's been too long!" he said with such idiocy I wanted to die. He had a bow in his hands and a quiver on his waist. He wasn't alone. A group of monsters had jumped into the fray. I readied my bow as did my hunters. Talia dropped her bow and pulled out Riptide. Thalia smiled and we attacked. This was the hardest fight of my life. If one were too look upon the fight from a distance, all they would see were arrows blotting out the sun. I charged Gration, my hunting knives in my hand. He pulled out his sword and we clashed in a flurry of strikes that only a hunter could match. My hunters easily destroyed the monsters but

Gration had the upper hand. He smacked away my hunting knives out of my hand and round house kicked me. My side hurt like hell. He turned his attention to my hunters and as fast as a wind spirit decimated them. They all rested on the ground with multiple injuries. Thalia, Diana, Atalanta and Talia had several deep cuts all over their body. I growled. No one touches my girls. I rushed with completely weaponless. He turned around swiftly and picked me up by my throat. He hand started to squeeze and he began to choke me. Tears ran down my face, once he's done with me, he'll kill the hunters. He smirked but his eyes widened in surprise.

A huge thunderclap was heard. We all turned our heads toward the night sky, toward the constellations. A mass of fire was falling down from Percy's constellation. The mass of flames was shaped into a giant eagle of flames. Lighting flashed around the sky, occasionally hitting the ground. The giant eagle was coming toward our location. My hunters were staring wide eyed just like I was. Earthquakes were rumbling and Gration stumbled a bit.

The tides, I could feel were rising to massive heights. Three voices rang out in the night sky.

"He has risen, the hero has risen!" The voices said. The giant flaming eagle beak opened and it let out a beautiful but scary cry into the night and it smashed into the ground. Debris flew everywhere, a piece of debris actually nailed Gration in the face. I snickered quietly. Dust covered where the eagle had crash landed. Gration snarled .A fierce aura was in the mist. An aura that rivaled a god.

"Who goes there?" Gration yelled. I could sense the fear in his voice. Talia and the girls were looking at the mist strangely. A flaming arrow flew from the mist, coming straight at us. The flaming projectile sunk into the arm that Gration was holding me with and he dropped me. He grabbed his hand in pain and ripped out the arrow. It had burned the muscles inside of his arm to ash. Gration looked extremely pissed.

"Come out bastard so I may know who I shall destroy!" he yelled. An outline of a figure began to form from the mist. The mist cleared and a hooded figure with a bow on his back stood there. He had a quiver around his waist and a pair of hunting knives and a sword sheathed at the waist as well. You couldn't see his face however. He however seemed to be very built. Gration looked a bit edgy.

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