Chapter 9

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Percy POV

Damn it! My head hurts like hell. I opened my eyes. Where

am I? I looked around the room and found out it was my room in Artemis's palace. I felt bare again. I sighed as I looked down. I was shirtless with a pair of shorts. Uggh my head hurts really bad. I looked at my bed and found a bottle with a note attached to it. It said

Dear Peter Johnson

In this bottle is a remedy to make that hangover of yours


I expect a thank you next time you come to my camp.


I chuckled but said a silent prayer of thanks. I uncorked

the bottle and downed it. My headache was gone in an instant. I got up and put on a grey hoodie and a black leather jacket with red tribal designs on it. I slipped on some blue black jeans and put on some black shoes. I noticed something. All of my robes were gone. Another letter was on my bed.

Dear Perseus

I took your robes and replaced

them with hoodies and jackets.

You need a more modern look, not a look from the middle ages."


I sighed. I actually like those robes. Whatever. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I washed my face and walked out of my room. I walked into the kitchen where my sisters were eating breakfast without me! How rude. My sisters beamed at me once they noticed me. I smiled. Talia ran up to me, jumping in my arms. I hoisted her up and held her close. I looked around for Artemis. My sisters saw this. "Artemis went out for a bit to talk with Aphrodite." Said Thalia. I raised an eyebrow at that. Why would Artemis have to talk to the goddess of love? I shrugged and put Talia down. I sat down at the table and summoned me some

eggs, bacon and pancakes. Talia jumped into my lap. She was awfully clingy today. I began to eat, sharing some of my food with her.

Artemis POV

I sat in front of this annoying cheap, crazed woman. Aphrodite was hopping around like a rabbit on caffeine and crack. She finally stopped moving.

"So why are you here Arty?" I cringed when she said that nickname. Only Perseus was allowed to say it. It didn't sound right on anyone else. Aphrodite gave me a knowing look.

"Oh this is about Perseus." I

gaped. How does she know? She smirked.

"I am the love goddess so don't look so surprised. I know why you're here and to be honest I didn't set up your love for Perseus. It was all you. "I closed my mouth and gave a critical eye to the supposed goddess of love. She wasn't as stupid as she acts.

"Why am I in love?" Aphrodite chuckled

Dearie, I can't answer that. It just happens. You see love works in mysterious ways. Just an FWI, if you don't go after him, there are a lot of goddess's that will try." That was the shortest and most

civil talk I've ever had with Aphrodite.

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone till you're ready." She winked.

Percy POV

We had just finished breakfast when Artemis had returned. I was gonna question her on why she met Aphrodite but she looked quite flustered so I left her alone. She gave a look at me and blushed. I cracked a smile. She looked so tense, I had to do something. I pulled out the silver flute Apollo gave me and began to play.

Thalia POV

My sister looked stressed out. I wonder why she went to Aphrodite. Wait a second. She has feelings for Percy! Well she has my blessing to do so. Now let's see how long it takes for seaweed brain to figure it out. My sisters and I all knew about Artemis's crush. We took a look at Percy to see that silver flute in his hands. The music he plays on that thing is unbelievable. I could see my sisters stresses just melt away. I was about to thank Percy on the soothing music when my father's voice thundered throughout Olympus.

"Artemis! Camp Half-blood is in need of assistance. Hyperion has returned. Percy's

been with us for about four months. I know he's ready for this.

Artemis POV

I smirked. A titan has come; this hunt will be very enjoyable. I can see my huntress's are excited but Percy looks troubled. I've come to terms with my love for him. I do love him and I plan on letting him know today or tomorrow. But for now I need to know what troubles him.

Percy POV

I felt uneasy. Something about Hyperion was bothering. My assassins sense was going wild, something bad was

gonna happen today, someone was going to die. Someone important to me was gonna die. Not if I can't help it! Talia walked up to me with a worried expression.

"You feel it to, don't you?" She said." Someone's going to die, aren't they?" I felt like something was in my throat. I nodded grimly. I can't lie to her, but I can sure as hell make sure it isn't a hunter dying. My oath, my promise, a hunter will not die as long as I still draw breath. I picked her up and held her close. She sensed my distress and hugged me closer, putting her face into my chest. No one was going to hurt her or the goddess I love.

Artemis POV

I walked over to Percy and Talia. Those two have a connection like no other. When one is distressed, the other will know. I envy them; they are like brother and sister. I smiled at that thought. They aren't like brother and sister. They are brother and sister. I put my hand on Perseus's shoulder. He looked up to me, worry evident in his eyes.

"What's wrong Percy?" He sighed.

"Someone's going to die today." He said grimly, but he wasn't finished." But it will not be a hunter, not as long as I still live that a hunter dies in

battle, that I promise." I was shocked, someone was gonna die. I pray that it isn't any of my hunters.. or Percy.

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