Chapter 18

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Hey guys and girls hope you had a good Christmas and good start of the new year. Here is another chapter of Guardian of the Hunt enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own PJO

Percy POV

I face palmed as the girls from the Aphrodite cabin were looking at me. Artemis was gritting her teeth and had a very tight hold on my shoulder. I never thought she would be the jealous type. I groaned as the hunters laughed at me. Talia's and Thalia's laughter stood out the most. I mock angrily glared at them only for them to snicker some more. I rubbed

Artemis's back to soothe her jealously or at least try to. It seemed to have worked. The tension she had left and she visibly relaxed. I couldn't help but grin stupidly at that. It's nice to know I have that effect on her. She leaned in affectionately into my chest, making me feel like the luckiest man in the world. I sighed as put my face into her soft auburn hair. It was so soft, softer than silk. I felt at peace. I had my sisters and my soon to be wife. That's all I needed in this life. I could feel the campers' eyes on us as they all went silent. I didn't care. I heard a cough and opened my eyes angrily. My eyes set on Annabeth with annoyance. She was the one that coughed. I rolled my lunar crescent eyes.

"What is it Annabeth?" I asked. Annoyance was clear as day in my voice. She blushed. The campers could sense my annoyance and glared at Annabeth. I chuckled, at least they are trying to repent for their deeds. My sisters were glaring daggers at Annabeth. She seemingly tried to shrink. Poor girl.

"Well I was wondering how long you planned on staying here." She said shyly. I chuckled. I may be a seaweed brain but I could figure out when a girl was eyeing me now. She knows she can't beat a goddess. Zoe and Bianca were officially reinstated into the hunt and I couldn't be happier. As for Annabeth's question, well they wouldn't be happy.

"Not long at all. Piper, Jason and Reyna, Frank and Hazel. You all are going to Camp Jupiter are you not?" They nodded. The campers looked disappointed that we weren't staying but to be honest, I like the Romans better. I just prefer them for reasons that you should know by now. Annabeth seemed to be the most disappointed.

"Since you five are heading there then you might as well come with us. Nico you can come along as well." The five nodded. Nico seemed excited at the prospect of spending time with his sister. I smiled warmly at the boy I considered my younger brother. Artemis kissed my cheek and I didn't hear a single complaint from the hunters at the thought of three males coming with us. That made smile even more.

"Were leaving now so say your goodbyes and campers, we'll see you on Tuesday." Everyone nodded and the five ran to get their stuff. I stood up and with my fingers enlaced with Artemis's began walking to the edge of camp. I felt a presence coming toward us and the hunters and I knew Artemis cold feel it too. I gave her a look and she nodded. I disappeared in a flash of flames. I teleported to nearby trees to watch what was going to happen. The person that was following us was Annabeth. My eyes narrowed, why is she following us? She's really straining my trust and I just got back from the dead. I could see the irritation in my Fiancée's eyes. I chuckled inwardly, this ought to be good.

Artemis POV

That Daughter of Athena had been following us. What I want to know is why. I motioned for my hunters to leave. They left grudgingly, muttering about stupid overly smart people. I sighed. I narrowed my eyes at the sight before me. I could see the faint outline of the Athena girl. Just because she's invisible doesn't mean she can't be seen. I crossed my arms across my chest and glared directly at her.

"Show yourself, Daughter of Athena." I said with steel in my voice. The outline began to shimmer and the daughter of Athena revealed herself. She had a look of determination in her eyes that made me angry. I knew Perseus was watching. I could feel his eyes upon, gazing at us with interest. The grey eyed girl looked at me with anger.

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