Chapter 13

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Hey guys and gurls just like I said another chapter soon. :P

Have fun reading.

Disclaimer: I don't own PJO

Artemis POV

We awoke to the sounds of destruction and roaring outside our tent. We quickly put on our equipment and rushed outside to meet a monster that my brother had killed a long time ago. Python, the very snake that haunted my mother and made sure that she couldn't give birth to either me or Apollo. I hated this creature with every fiber in my body. My hunters readied their bows. Talia unsheathed Riptide and held it proudly, a smirk so much like Perseus's on her face. That girl strives to honor her brother. I smiled; Percy was right in a way. He's never gone because he lives in the hunters. Thalia pulled out her spear and uttered a war cry. We charged. The Draconic creature was just as big as I remembered. The size of 4 school buses and weighing over 5 tons. Its maw filled

with thousands of sharp teeth and glowing red eyes. His fangs dripped with poison. Thalia foolishly charged the creature only to be smacked away by the creature's tail. I shot several arrows but to no avail. As the creature hissed and roared in anger, Diana leaped into the air with the grace of a deer and slammed her hunting knives into one of its eyes. It roared in outrage and bit her leg and held onto it. I rushed to free her but the damn thing managed to coil its tail around me. This thing was as strong as a god. It seemed to grin at me with my hunter in its maw. What could we do? Ever since Percy died, everything is harder to kill. Thalia's knocked out, and

most of my hunters were covered in poison. I was gonna lose hunters. Percy would be ashamed of me. My eyes began to close.

"How dare you give up love? Fight it; you are Artemis the huntress of the wilds and goddess of the moon!" My eyes snapped opened. That voice! A tear creeped out of my eyes and a smile was on my face. Python looked at me confusingly. I smirked but then a burst of power came from behind me. My eyes widened. It was Talia. The auburn haired girl held Riptide and her eyes were glowing green. Except they weren't her eyes. Her shadow in the sunlight wasn't hers either! The shadow showed a hooded robed figure. What kind of sorcery is this!

Talia POV

That giant salamander for a dragon had Diana and Lady Artemis in its grasp. I've never felt this weak before in my life. Sure I was covered in poison and bite marks but I've always come through. I won't give up, Big brother never bowed to his enemies and neither will I. Thalia was injured and I stood in front of her, ready for battle. I felt a presence touch my mind. My body began to go on auto pilot. I couldn't control what I was doing. My arms raised Riptide high in the air and my body charged Python.

Percy POV

I smirked. No one touches the hunters and lives. I would have thought that my enemies would know this by now. I better end this now before my connection runs dry.

Artemis POV

I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Talia was fighting in Percy's fighting style. Python let me and Diana go when Talia rushed him. Diana fell to the floor, screaming in pain. I rushed to help her. I cradled her in my arms. She was whimpering. Her leg had a nasty bite mark and poison was seeping through. I couldn't heal this but I know someone who can.

"Apollo, I need you!" a flash of gold light appeared and there was my brother in all of his supposed glory. He gave me a worried look and turned to look for his daughter. He had a shocked look when he saw his daughter fighting Python. Pride was easily seen in his features. He returned to me and placed a hand on Diana's leg. A glowing light went inside of her and the wound closed.

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