Chapter 11

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Disclaimer: I don't own PJO

Talia POV

We left the camp a week after big brother's death. Big brother, why did you leave us. Why did you have to be so selfless? Why did you have to take the burden of being a hero? Mistress Artemis is a wreck. She hasn't spoken since big brother's death. She just won't talk to anyone. Not even Zeus can get her to talk. Thalia isn't faring much better either. She has an empty look in her eyes. To be honest, I want to find a corner and just die. Life isn't good without big brother in it anymore. I hold the blade he gave me with pride and sorrow. It's like the blade felt its original master die. Riptide however for some reason, glows at random times. Especially when we talk about Percy.

Thalia POV

Kelp head. Why did you do it? Why did you have to fight alone? We could've helped. Why did you have to leave us? It's been four months .we're camped up in the place you first became the Guardian. Me, Artemis and Talia are sleeping in your tent. The others would've joined us but they wanted to grieve in private. We still haven't finished our what you have done to us. The thought of you not there is killing us Percy. My sister won't even talk anymore. All she does is eat, sleep and hunt. Dad's tried to help. Hell all of the gods have tried. I think they knew that she was in love in with you. Kelp head, I'll keep my promise to you but this is your job not mine.

Artemis POV

My life is hell now. Who would've thought that the goddess who swore off men would be so devastated at the death of one? Percy why did you have to leave me? I love you. I love you so much. Being immortal is horrible now that you are gone. I had a hope that we could spend our immortal lives together. That hope is gone now. Remember my love; no one will take your place in my heart.

Talia POV

Artemis and Thalia went to sleep beside me. Both had tears streaming down their faces. I cried myself to sleep thinking about you big brother.


I dreamed that I was flying in the night sky. The stars just above me. The huntress and the Guardian ran side by side. Those constellations, in my opinion were the most beautiful. As I looked at my brother's constellation, I couldn't help but feel a wave of immense sadness. It seems I wouldn't get any peace in my dreams either. As I cried a hand rested on my shoulder. I looked up and gasped. My big brother was here. He smiled at me; his green eyes gleamed in the moonlight. I started to cry again. This wasn't real.

"I thought you would've been happy to see me." He said. I brushed of his shoulder in my pain.

"You aren't real, you died. This is just a dream." He chuckled. I couldn't help but smile. I miss his laugh.

"Little sister, what did I tell you. I am always here. If not in body then in spirit. I may be in the sky but I am always watching over you. Don't forget that." I hugged him as hard as I could. He smiled.

"I don't have much time, use Riptide wisely little sister." He let go of me and transformed into a golden eagle. He gave me one last look before flying to toward his constellation and disappearing. I smiled. He still watches over us, even in spirit. Even though I am still sad, I can feel my spirits lift slightly.

Thalia Dream

I dreamed that I was on top of Zeus's fist. Just looking at the moon. It was red from Artemis's grieving. Why does have to be this way. Just thinking about Percy makes me cry. I jumped in shock when an Eagles cry sung in the wind. A golden eagle perched on Zeus's fist next to me. I stared at the animal strangely. Probably a god wanting to talk to me in my dreams. Why couldn't they leave me to mourn? The eagle transformed into a human shape and I wanted to cry right then and there. My Guardian stood before me in all his glory. He was in the robe he originally wore. He smiled a gentle smile at me and I couldn't help but hug him as hard as I could. Even if it really wasn't him, just to see his smile was enough. He chuckled, a deep rumbling in his chest.

"Thalia, don't continue to despair anymore. You have to protect our sisters. You are causing me a lot of pain I am dead. You need to rise from my ashes and build on what I left behind." I smiled at him. I could tell that it really was him.

"When did you become so wise?" He laughed but shrugged. His look became stern.

"You need to master the power I gave you." I knew that except the problem was I didn't know what he gave me.

"Before you even ask Pinecone face. The power I gave you is something you need to find out on your own. Remember this, I am always watching. Even in death. I know how Artemis is doing and I know it is my fault. But it was the only way. I started to cry again.

"No it wasn't! You didn't have to die... you didn't have to leave us." He smiled a sad smile.

"I never truly left." Before I could ask what he meant, he gave me a peck on the forehead before disappearing. I smiled. Even death, he still annoys me. That's my seaweed brain.

Artemis Dream

I was in my own personal hell. My dream was really a nightmare. There was fire around me and all I could see was his death. Monsters and other evils taunted me with the fact that I couldn't save him. I sobbed my heart out. It was my fault. I don't know how it was but it was. As I cried, the monsters tried to pull me into the flames. As they were about to pull me in, a hand grabbed mine and pulled me away from the creatures. We flew into the night. I looked toward my savior but his face was hooded. He stopped flying and hugged me. Who was this man? He pulled off his hood and I began to cry. Percy was in my dreams. How though? I would know if this was fake or not. I rested my head on his chest, he gave me a stern look.

"Stop blaming yourself for my death my love." I began to choke up. It was my fault.

"It's my fault your dead!" that just made him angry.

"No its not! It's the duty of the Guardian to protect his Mistress not the other way around. Artemis I can feel your pain but you must recover for the sake of your hunters. They are just as depressed as you are love. They need you." I sighed, he was right of course but it didn't make me feel better. He pulled me into a kiss. He was bold but I returned it.

"Will you stay with me till I awake?" I asked. He smiled at me.

"I am always with you."

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