Chapter 21

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Disclaimer: I do not own


Percy POV

I was very nervous. Today, I'm supposed to go to Zeus's palace for dinner with his side of the family. That means dinner with Thalia, Jason and god knows how many minor gods he's sired. If this goes without a hitch, then Artemis and I will be fine. Knowing me, something is going to happen. I adjusted my tie as I looked at myself in the mirror.

I've been staying at Artemis's palace since mine hasn't been built yet. The architect was obviously busy. I didn't mind, she needed to clear her head. Dammit, why am I so nervous? As I fiddled with the tie, a smaller pair of hands rested on mine. Those small hands removed mine from the tie and adjusted it. My green eyes landed on a gentle silver pair; Artemis stroked my cheek soothingly.

"What's wrong Perseus?" She asked softly. Those silver orbs rested upon me with worry. I sighed.

"It's nothing, Artemis; just that your father and I never were really on the greatest terms and I don't want to ruin this night." I said wearily. She sighed softly before resting her head on my chest.

"Don't worry, you'll be fine." She said soothingly. I calmed down; not much, but I calmed down. Artemis had straightened her hair and wore a light evening dress with light makeup. I wore a formal dress shirt with a tie and khakis. The hunters were here since they were technically a part of Artemis's family. I heard the horn of a limo outside of the palace and I knew it was time to go. The girls would be going with us; come to think of it, they're probably outside now. Artemis offered her hand and I took it with no hesitation. Together we walked to the entrance of the silver palace. Sure enough, my sisters were already there. Phoebe and Atalanta were wearing formal dresses while my other sisters wore something lighter. Even Thalia wore something nice. A strapless black dress, one that reminded me of the one she wore at the ball.

"You ready Seaweed Brain and soon to be Mrs. Seaweed Brain?" Thalia asked playfully. I smirked at the seaweed brain part. Artemis seemed amused.

"Oh yes dear sister, Mrs. Seaweed brain is ready. Just for your cockiness, you get to sit next to father." Artemis responded. I snickered at Thalia's horrified face. Talia walked up to me with her arms raised. I smiled softly and put her on my shoulder. The hunters smiled at the sight.

"C'mon, don't want to make big daddy angry now do we?" I said. The hunters nodded and we all ran out of the palace. We were met by a very long slick black limo. The driver, I could tell, was a son of Apollo. He had the same hair and eyes but not as much mischievousness.

"Lord Perseus, Lady Artemis and the Hunters, would you please step inside." The man said. The girls nodded excitedly and hopped in. I lowered Talia off my shoulder and placed her in the limo. Being the gentleman I was, allowed Artemis to go in before me. She smirked but made no comment as I graciously bowed and let her in. Once I made sure, the girls were situated, I stepped in myself. The limo was amazing. It had a fridge stored with drinks and snacks. The fridge had whatever you wanted and so did the little snack container. The seats were a red color which was a classic so no surprise there. Talia and Phoebe rushed over to the snack container, hoping to pig out but unfortunately for them, Artemis grabbed both of them.

"No, you'll spoil your dinner." She said firmly. Phoebe and Talia pouted; they sat back down in their seats while the other hunters smirked. Talia turned to me, her eyes were big and her bottom lip was trembling. It broke my heart. I covered my face, I would not crack, I will not crack, I will not crack! I peeked through my fingers. Dammit! The pout was still there. I took a glance to make sure Artemis and the hunters weren't looking and conjured up a brownie. I gave it to Talia without anyone looking and acted sweet and innocent. Talia devoured the thing and smiled happily at me. I grinned mischievously till I heard a cough. I gulped and slowly turned around to meet the amused but not so happy orbs of my fiancée.

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