Chapter 14

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Disclaimer- I don't own PJO

Percy POV

I lay on the ground, panting heavily and beads of sweat running down my forehead. Exalta looked just as tired as I was. We've been training for the past 3 months. The first week I couldn't even touch him but after a couple months, I am able to go toe to toe with my master and friend. Exalta's changed ever since we began to train. He's a lot nicer now and even praises me on my skill and power. Before he would just scoff and say drop and give me thirty thousand. Not fun at all. The more I train with him, the more I understand the true meaning of to being a guardian. There's also another benefit to me being trained by him. My level of sarcasm has reached a new peak. Oh will the gods be happy. Exalta got off the ground and extended his hand to me. I took it with a firm grip and he pulled me up.

"I've trained you far enough Percy. It's time you left the skies." He said. My jaw hit the floor. It was finally over. Three months of history lessons that would make Athena envious, three months of training that would make Ares squeal in pain over? My tiny little brain couldn't comprehend it. He smirked at me.

"There's one more thing I need to do before I can fade. I think I've known all along but my grief always stopped me." I gave him a confused look. What does he have to do? He placed his hand upon my forehead and my world was starting to go black.

"Use your gift well my apprentice." My world went black.

I found myself in a sort of dreamscape. The land was literally the wilds. Green grass and high trees, beautiful plains and large mountains filled with wildlife. I've dreamt of this place before. This place reminds me of the hunters and Artemis. No Artemis and Diana. Yes I have met her Roman aspect and to me they are both the same. Off topic, anyway I knew this place. I looked toward the mountains and saw three figures standing on one of the mountain tops. It felt as if

they were beckoning me forward. I obliged. I ran toward the mountain. As I ran, I felt as if I was changing, a silver glow flowed from behind me. I hopped on cracks and crevices all over the mountains, scaling them with ease. I felt like a mountain goat. As I landed on the top of the mountain the temperature changed. On the ground it was fairly warm like a summer day. Up here it was fairly cold, snow drifting all over the place. I set my eyes on the three figures and gasped. One of them was me. The figure that was me had a black cloak, a double sheath containing a long hunting knife and a throwing knife, a longbow which was the same as the one Chaos gave me now that I think about it and a quiver full of arrows. He had green eyes with a silver crescent in them. The other two was a black haired woman dressed similar to Artemis with a silver bow. She was breathtaking but I'm a taken man. I'm quite proud of that thank you very much. The other was a man that garbed similarly to Apollo but he had more of proud look on his face. All three of them smiled at me. The woman chose to speak.

"Greetings young Guardian, I am Selene and this is my brother Helios." I was staring at the two original deities of the sun and moon. Wow, how did Exalta send me here?

Helios chuckled at my flabbergasted expression.

"Young hero, we've seen your endeavors and challenges. You survived a broken heart and even had a beautiful goddess fall in love with you. You are not only the champion of Olympus, Guardian of Artemis but we shall have our way, you will become the god of the Hunt, Tides, Swordsmanship, Archery, Shadows, Nobility and heroes. You will be a god not bound by the ancient rules much like Artemis isn't." I sat there with a shocked expression. My gift was godhood. Helios shook his head.

"No young Demi God, once you return to earth you will be turned into a god by our will and the will of Chaos. Our gifts to you are these." Helios blasted me with godly power and I felt even more control over the power of fire. My green eyes were flames. My height extended and my body looked like it was chiseled from marble. I was more attractive then I already was. I glared at Helios. Why is it that the more power I receive the more awesome I look. He chuckled. Selene blasted me with a silvery power like blast and my green eyes returned to normal, sort of. The crescents I saw in my counterparts eyes were in mine. I felt stronger than ever before. My water powers felt stronger but my mind was filled with experiences from the greatest of archers and hunters. Their skill lived in me. The moon fueled my strength. The more I was with the moon, the more I got stronger. I looked toward my counterpart and we walked toward each other till we merged with one another. The equipment he had one was on me. I could hear the distinct voices of the fates in my mind.

"He has risen, the warrior, the hunter and the assassin Perseus Jackson has risen to the challenge!" I turned toward the two gods and smiled. I nodded to them and they nodded back. Helios disappeared. Before Selene could go however I grabbed her wrist.

"Thank you. Exalta will be joining you soon." She smiled a beautiful smile and nodded. She disappeared and my dreamscape fell apart. My world went black again. When I awoke Exalta was staring at me. His orange eyes were actually happy. He was fading, I could tell. I got up quickly and embraced my master.

"Thank you Exalta." He smiled.

"No. Thank you Perseus." I nodded and Exalta gave me a thumb up and I could see a flickering form of a familiar goddess embrace him and disappeared. The doors to the chamber we've been in for the past three months opened quite violently. Ouranos and Zoe rushed in.

"Where's Exalta, his energy signature disappeared." Ouranos said. Zoe was staring at me, shocked by my appearance. I smiled my good ole crooked smile.

"My master is finally at peace." Ouranos seemed shocked but he smiled. He placed a hand on my shoulder.

"It's time for you to go grandson, your huntress is in trouble once more. Some of the Giants and Titans have been released from Tartarus because of Ourea. You must hurry; Artemis is fighting Gration, the giant she killed long ago. He is back for revenge." My eyes widened and I nodded. Zoe hugged me one last time.

"Me and Ouranos will be able to contact you when you please. Goodbye" I felt as if my body was being torn apart. I found myself falling straight toward Earth. A leap of faith aye. Great. I closed my eyes and began to use my senses as I fell. My senses were increased due to the power boost from the original moon and sun. I was right above them. Lightening and quakes showered the area where I was. My body was literally on fire but I was not burned in anyway. I opened my eyes and looked toward the ground. Gration had Artemis and the hunters at his feet. He was gonna kill them all one by one. Not if I have anything to say about it. My hands lit up on fire and I smashed into the ground. Debris flew everywhere and the ground let out a haze of dust to cover myself from sight. I could sense Gration's surprise.

"Who go's there!" he yelled. His voice deep and gruff. I didn't answer. I pulled out my bow and notched an arrow.

The tip lit up on fire and fired into the haze toward his direction. No one touches the hunters, it won't be Artemis that kills him this time. It's gonna be me. I'm home once more.

Ourea better watch out.

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