Chapter 5

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Disclaimer: I do not own PJO OR AC

Percy POV

"Rest in Peace Kelly." I hugged Talia close to me. Hearing her sob wounded me. It reminded me too much of the hunters cry. I miss them even if was treated wrongly. I felt another presence. My head snapped up in the direction it was in. A black helix with an eye in it. Lord Chaos.

"Lord Chaos." I greeted. Talia looked at the symbol in wonder. Her eyes were raw with tears. I smiled at her to ease her worry. She smiled back. It was forced a bit. I just hugged her close.

"Perseus, I need to take your hidden gun and hook. The reason being is that I just found a flaw in their designs. The hidden gun can move just a bit and you can blow of your hand. The hook can easily break the line instead of swinging on it. However I have new toys for you and who's the little one?"

I chuckled as I pressed two buttons on my vambraces, two vambraces popped out of my vambraces. One held the gun and the other held the hook. I tossed it into the helix and they vanished. A bow flew out of the helix and landed in my hands. The bow was black with silver lining. A bat symbol was on it. I looked at it with curiosity. I chose not to ask about it though. A quiver full of arrows appeared next to the bow. A bomb strap appeared next to arrows and bow.

"That strap is filled with smoke bombs, poison gas bombs, a grenade or two, maybe more. Flashbangs, concussions and one bomb that's completely random. It refills every three hours. I also want to give you this."

A grappling hook appeared next to the bomb strap. Awesome. I looked at Talia and then at Kelly's corpse.

"Chaos, can you please make a pyre for the dead girl. She was very important to the little one." A pyre literally formed out of nothing and Kelly's body floated and landed on it. I lit up my hands with fire and lit the pyre. Talia looked at me with appreciation.

"I have one more request, can you give her a new outfit and a bow." Talia's ruined outfit turned into an outfit very similar to mine except it was silver with black lining. A bow was strapped to her back. She smiled at me and I smiled back.

"Thank you lord Chaos." I could hear the voice chuckle.

"No, thank you. Your life is the best entertainment I've ever had." The helix disappeared and I knew that Chaos was gone. Talia was looking at the pyre burn. She was crying again. I walked up to her and put my hand on her shoulder. She looked up to me.

"Don't cry little one. I will stay by your side. I can give you a family if that is what you wish." Talia was crying even more and I picked her up and held her close.

"You promise to stay with me, and that I will have a family." She sobbed. I was determined to make her happy.

"I swear upon the Styx and Chaos." Thunder rumbled in the sky. She buried her face into my neck and muttered a thank you. I smiled.

"Let's go save my family."

Artemis POV

We were packing up the tents when we heard a growl. By the time my girls were prepared, I already had an arrow notched. Thalia's arrow and bow was pulsing with electricity. Atalanta had her knife ready. Diana followed her example. Phoebe and the others were ready for a beat down. Out of the shadows came at the least two hundred monsters. I nearly dropped my bow. There was a chance that I could lose a lot of hunters. I could tell my hunters were afraid. I couldn't transform into my godly form without killing them. The lead monster was an ogre. He was looking at me lecherously. I glared and was about to fire my arrow when a black object rolled over to a goblin's feet. The goblin picked it up. It exploded and goblin guts were spewed everywhere. The ogre looked around in alarm and I could tell that my hunters were just as shocked as I was. Thalia was looking around in alarm.

"Who did that?" she nearly screeched. The ogre was wondering the same thing when a harpoon latched onto his legs. He yelped and everyone was looking in alarm. He fell to the ground and was being dragged to the shadows of the forest. The monsters looked on in horror, too shocked to do anything. I couldn't do anything either as the ogres screams reached my ears. Its nails were latched onto the ground. A swift pull and he was gone into the area between the trees. Another terrifying scream came from the shadows. Time went by, my hunters and the monsters stared at the spot where the ogre disappeared. What we saw nearly made me vomit. The ogre's head rolled out of the shadows and out into the open. The look on its face told me that whatever killed it was utterly terrifying. Four more bombs flew out of the shadows, blowing up more monsters. I heard an eagle's cry and a familiar black hooded figure jumped out of the shadows, assassinating a Cyclops in front of everyone. I heard gasps from my hunters and I failed at hiding my own.

"Perseus." we said in unison. He stood before the monsters, with his back to us. Thalia was smiling. An arrow flew out of nowhere and hit a goblin in his forehead. Another figure came out of the shadow. A little girl in an outfit similar to Percy's. Percy drew his sword, his eyes flashed a red color. Odd. My hunters uttered a war cry as we charged. Together as it should be.

Percy POV

No one tries to attack my hunters. No one. I drew my sword, the monsters charged. Foolish creatures. I fought like an enraged demon. Each monster fell to my blade. I disemboweled a goblin and decapitated an empousai. I snapped my fingers and a ball of fire appeared in my hand. I fired with all my might. I could hear slight complaints from behind me like Percy stole my kill or he's hogging all the playthings. I chuckled. When the fire cleared, only a tower of ash stood. More monsters were still there. We were surrounded. My thoughts raced to the flute in my pocket. I pulled it out and began to play.

Insert: Last of the Wilds by Nightwish. That's what it sounds like.

Artemis POV

My hunters and I stopped fighting when we heard the music. Who was playing? My eyes widened when I saw it was Percy. Apparently the hunters and the girl were surprised as well. The music was enchanting. I heard rumbles behind me and growls of animals. I turned around with my hunters and we gasped. Thalia was shocked and so was I. Wolves, Deer, Bear and other animals had come out of the forest. Some animals shouldn't even be in this state. They attacked. But they didn't attack us, they attacked the monsters. Monsters were getting slaughtered one by one as Percy continued to play. The sound was beautiful. Minutes later all the monsters were dead. Percy stopped playing. The animals bowed to him before taking their leave. He turned around and smiled at us. I did the only thing I could think of at the moment. I slapped him. He chuckled and the hunters tackled hugged him. He seem to be taken back.

Percy POV

As I was tackled, I could see tears. Why? The hunters looked at me with happiness I've never seen before.

"We're sorry Percy." They sobbed. Thalia just hugged me harder instead of saying anything. Talia was smiling under her hood. I shook my head and smiled.

"You were already forgiven." Artemis hugged me as well. That shocked me. My face turned beet red and I heard giggles behind me. Artemis was blushing.

"Welcome back." She said. I smiled at her. My heart felt weird. I couldn't be falling in love again.... Can i?

"It's good to be back." Atalanta said something that caught me off guard.

"Welcome back big brother." I nearly face faulted while the hunters giggled. Artemis and Thalia chuckled.

"You heard her, you're our big brother." Said all of the hunters. Talia chuckled.

"Do you mind telling me who your friend is; she has your style of clothing." I chuckled. I told them the story of where I went and how I met Talia. The hunters and Thalia gasped when they found out I took out an army of monsters by myself. Then they gave sympathetic looks to Talia. Artemis asked the question I hoped she would ask.

"Talia, will you join the hunt." She nodded. The hunters cheered. For the first time in a while, I knew I was home. I could feel Hestia smiling from afar.

Wow, two chaps in a day. Your welcome

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