Chapter 12

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Disclaimer: I don't own PJO

Percy POV

I stood before the true lord of the sky himself. Ouranos Primordial of the Sky. I don't know what happen after I died. All I know was that I was sent to the skies. Artemis must've turned me into a constellation. Artemis, she must be in a lot of pain. I didn't want hurt her or my sisters but it was the only way. Am I really selfish for wanting to protect them, even if I died? I left my thoughts when Ouranos cleared his throat. I bowed down as noble as could. Ouranos seemed amused but was that pride in his eyes.

"So Artemis has sent another. You seem different Grandson than the others. I saw what you did. The whole Primordial council did. Even my wife Gaea was surprised at such a heroic sacrifice. I am proud to be your great Grandfather." I smiled at that. I barely knew Ouranos and he already respected me.

"Young hero, I sense conflict in your heart. Tell me what is wrong." I sighed, should've known I was as easy to read as a book.

"I left Artemis in so much pain. She loved me and now I can't be there to love her." Ouranos smiled sympathetically.

"Percy, this is how I feel about Gaea, it explains her bitterness doesn't it. She claims she doesn't love me but I can see it. She's as easy to read as you are. So you wish to return to the moon goddess? My head snapped up. The way he said that was like there is a way.

"Is there a way grandfather?" Ouranos looked grim.

"Perhaps, however you must not worry about that right now. The world is changing Percy. Gaea may be asleep but another Primordial, Ourea plots against my grandchildren. Since you are dead, Ourea thinks he has an advantage against the Olympians. The Primordial are not necessarily evil Percy you must understand. Earth is a beautiful place and because of that, every primordial would like to claim it. Ourea thinks he would make a better ruler than the Olympians but he is wrong. He is too cocky an arrogant, he thinks too highly of himself. The gods do the same but Ourea doesn't have the patience to rule and will destroy everything my father Chaos made." I absorbed the info in. if this was true, then the world will be destroyed. How can I help if I'm dead? Ouranos sensed my inner turmoil.

"There is a way but you are not strong enough. I will train you personally for what you will have to do to return." I had a question though.

"Is it possible, since I am the guardian of the hunters, to communicate to them in their dreams?" he nodded.

"You may speak to them, but do not tell them of what's to come. They need to find out of their own." I sighed but nodded. I reached out with my mind and went into the dreams of Artemis, Talia and Thalia. I did so with my other sisters. When I returned, Ouranos was smiling.

"You are a good Guardian you know?" I sighed.

"I lessen the wound but it's not closed. They're gonna be in a lot of pain for awile. Ouranos nodded.

"Go to your room for now. A friend of yours shall escort you." I raised an eyebrow at that. A friend, I wonder who?" I waited for my escort and I wasn't surprised on who it was. Doesn't mean I wasn't happy about it. My escort was no other than an old friend. Zoe Nightshade. The same black hair and tan skin. She was smiling at me.

"Welcome Percy, or should I say Guardian of the Hunt." I chuckled at that.

"It's good to see you too Zoe." I said. She hugged me.

"I see that you were taking care of Artemis and even gained her love. She was ready to break her oath for you, you know." I nodded. Obviously depressed. She smiled sympathetically. She showed me to my room. It was pretty cool. It was like the wilds by the ocean and the ceiling was an illusion of the night sky. I had a white bed with green sheets. In the middle of the room was a round hole. In the hole was water. It was strange, as I looked in it, I could see Artemis and the hunters! How is this possible? I jumped when a hand landed on my shoulder. I turned around to see Ouranos. He chuckled at my shock and confusion.

"What you are looking at is a pool of sight. I thought you would like to watch the hunters and your love." I smiled; a lone tear fell from my face.

"Thank you." He smiled back.

"It's time I told you about the Primordial Gods. We came before the Titans and Olympians. We are the children of the Oldest Primordial Chaos. The Primordial are the strongest beings of the Greek Pantheon. We are a council of deities. We use to rule before I was overthrown by my son Kronos. That was Gaea's fault. Anyway after I was overthrown, we disappeared to see how the gods would rule. We're disappointed but they rule better than the Titans. We are in a sense like the Olympians. Filled with pride and such and we do bicker at times but we mean well. Now some of us are bit more evil than others but we do what we think is best. If one does something the council doesn't like, there isn't anything we can do unless we declare war. You can see why we just don't bother, however earth is very important to all of us and we all want it for ourselves. However some of us don't mind about sharing, it's the one would take earth and corrupt it like my brother. We understand the need of balance." I nodded, taking the info in.

"How do I fit in this?" Ouranos smiled.

"You are the greatest hero of all time, Chronos agrees and so does the whole council. You are Earths protector, that planet needs you. Now you wish to return, there is away but you need to be stronger before you leave. For now I shall teach you what I know, and prepare you for what's to come because after the fight with Ourea, we all have bigger problems, problems that you by yourself can't win alone. Chaos forbids me from telling you anything till after Ourea." I nodded again. A big fight

was gonna happen, a problem for the Primordial. This is bad. A problem for Chaos real bad!

"Then what are we standing here for? Let's get training!" Ouranos chuckled at my eagerness. Wow a fight that requires the Primordial. What did he mean by me by myself? I pretty sure I am the only Percy Jackson if that's what he meant.

Hey guys and gurls thanks for the reads and vote's. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Next chapter coming real soon. Greetings from Artemus.

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