Chapter 3

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Disclaimer: I do not own PJO OR AC

Percy POV

It's been a day since we left Yellowstone. These hunters do not stop for anything. We are already halfway across Wyoming and at this rate; we'll be in the Badlands by tomorrow. As we walked, I noticed Thalia's expression. She looked upset. Artemis told her that after we clear out the monsters in the badlands, she'll tell her what happened to me. I guess she was pretty disappointed because she tried to ask me again and I just glared at her. The hunters still aren't very nice to me. Phoebe tried to break my arm because apparently I was spying on them. Artemis had stood up for me but they are still mean. Earlier they sent a herd of deer my way and I was almost trampled to death. Then they sent bear after me while I was taking a nap. All in all I wasn't happy. We stopped at the border of Wyoming and South Dakota. Artemis wished to brief us before we start to camp. I was already thinking about where I was gonna camp when Artemis turned toward me.

"Since you are new to the hunt, how do you think we should put end to this breeding ground?" she asked. In all honesty I was shocked. I didn't think she would ask my input before the hunters. Thalia was grinning and the hunters were probably thinking the same thing I was. I honestly didn't know what to say, something mysterious perhaps. I grinned internally at that thought.

"It matters not how we complete our task... only that it's done." I said. With that said, I sat upon the ground waiting for her to ask the hunters their opinion but they were all gaping at me. Including Artemis. Thalia was just grinning. I don't know why but seeing Artemis's face warmed my heart. What is this feeling? It feels nothing like I felt for Annabeth. It felt better, like maybe my life would get better. Like I had something worth dying for.

Artemis POV

I just stared at the boy, mouth wide opened in shock. How can a man think like this? At first I thought he would say something stupid or question me on why I am asking his input. Instead he answers me without a care in the world." It matters not how we complete our task?" So anyway of destroying the monsters is good for him. Does he not care if he dies? I brushed these thoughts away. Whenever I think if Percy is hurt or could die. I feel pain and I can't explain why. To distract myself, I asked Thalia for her input since Perseus didn't care how we did it.

"What do you think we should do Thalia?" Thalia eyes were filled with pride that I would ask her for her input.

"Milady, I believe that we should surprise them, if we go rushing in their like the campers, we'll end up dead." Perseus nodded his approval. I wasn't surprised. I was thinking the same thing. That's why he didn't care; he already knew that Thalia was thinking the same thing he was.

" So do you suggest we send a scout ahead of us in three days, I have no doubt that we are probably going to be in the badlands for a month with so many monsters there." Thalia nodded.

"I agree with you Lady Artemis, but who will we send?" The hunters looked nervous. I cannot blame them. For someone to scout ahead would be a dangerous task. The amount of monsters in the badlands made Mount Tam look like a zoo. They may be immortal but they can still die. I was about to come up with another plan when Perseus stood up.

"Give me areas and I'll give you blood. If no one wishes to go then I will." I was surprised by his bravery. Apparently so were my hunters. I can see the looks of guilt on their faces. They probably don't want him dead knowing all they ever did was give him a hard time. Something I was going to address tonight. Thalia got a glint in her eye that told me whatever she was about to say was probably something I wouldn't approve of.

"M'lady, I wish to accompany Percy. It would be better if two went so someone is covering his back." I frowned at her suggestion. I wouldn't allow this. I don't want Thalia to go, hell I don't want Percy to go. The both of them together would be a great team but Thalia's scent would make the monsters go wild. Unless Percy can teach her how to mask it before he goes, she isn't going.

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