Chapter 10

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Disclaimer: I don't own PJO

Artemis put her hand on Percy's shoulder. Percy joined hands with his sister and they teleported to Camp Half-blood. A grueling battle awaits them.

Percy POV

My assassin's sense has been going nuts; it's starting to give me a headache. As we landed in Camp Half-blood, I could see the campers ready for battle. Armed in full Roman and Greek battle regalia. So Reyna and Jason are here too huh. This should be interesting. The hunters and I were receiving stares as we walked toward the big house. When we got inside we saw all the cabin counselors and Chiron with Jason and Reyna discussing plans for the upcoming battle. Artemis and I walked casually to them. Guess they didn't notice us because when I put my hand on Jason's shoulder, he jumped like a girl. I chuckled when he regained his composure. I heard snickers coming from Reyna and the counselors. My sisters looked amused.

"Don't scare me like Perce!" I grinned.

"So what's the plan oh son of Jupiter?" he mock glared at me while I heard some more snickers. I heard thunder in the sky but heard Artemis yell shut up. Jason looked up at the sky and mouthed a thank you.

"The plan is to march up in Greek phalanx formation from all sides seeing on how Hyperion and his army will be in the middle." I could see flaws in this plan and looked toward Annabeth. She didn't object. She looked like she had a suggestion though.

"Why don't we have the hunters go on the front lines?" she asked. I snarled and slammed my fists against the table. If looks could kill, everyone in the room would be dead. My sisters and Artemis didn't look surprised by my reaction but the campers edged away from me.

Artemis POV

I wasn't so surprised about Percy's reaction. In all honesty, I didn't like this plan anymore then he did. Percy had given me a warning that someone would die. If my hunters were on the frontlines than there is a high chance that Percy's warning would come true. Percy's eyes were glowing green. His pupils were slits. I looked to my hunters to see if they saw what I was seeing. They nodded. Thalia and Talia along with Phoebe and Atalanta looked worried. Percy's hand was sparking with green fire. Greek fire. That Athena girl looked terrified. I know it was an honest suggestion which would probably do well but Perseus doesn't trust her. We had to find a way to calm him down. I looked toward the hunters, they nodded. They were thinking the same thing I was.

Jason POV

Man, Percy's mad! I thought it was pretty good idea till I remembered how much Percy loves the hunters. I can relate, I don't want any romans to die but I can't prevent it. I sighed, if Hyperion doesn't kill us then Percy will.

Annabeth POV

I was scared. I didn't mean to make Percy mad. I just thought that the hunters on the frontlines would be best. Percy's eyes were glowing green, it was beautiful but deadly. I'm trying to find a way to get back with him but how can I get him to love me again when all I'm able to do is get him mad. I'm daughter of Athena; this should be easy, not hard!

Percy POV

My hands were beginning to light up. I knew I had to gain control but I couldn't. If someone didn't stop me, I would probably obliterate her. It's funny how she used to be my best friend and now I want to kill her. Just as I was going to paint the walls red, I felt a hand on my shoulder and bunch of arms wrapping around me. I heard a voice right next to my ear.

"Perseus, calm down. For me, please." It was Artemis. Her voice was keeping me in control. It was so soothing and the hunters, I could feel their worry and concern for me. My hands returned to normal. I felt at peace as relaxed into their embrace. They let go and I smiled at them.

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