Chapter 4

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Percy POV

I watched the monsters with great curiosity. Just about half the monsters in the badlands were gathered in one place. Why though? I jumped from branch to branch, unseen and quite as a mouse. The monster camp was filled with tents and corpses. Demi god corpses. Plenty of dracaena, Cyclopes, goblins and other beasties. I looked on the fire they started and saw two Demi gods, living ones. A little girl, probably ten years old and another girl, probably fifteen. The fifteen year old girl looked half dead and the little one wasn't damaged. I glared hard when I saw the monster that was towering over them. The Minotaur. Why can't he just stay dead for once! How was I gonna save the girls when there are so many monsters. The only way I knew how. Bring attention to myself. I stepped out into the open and an arrow flew past my face. The monsters turned to face me. Probably a hundred or more. The Minotaur left the girls and walked in front of the legion of monsters. He couldn't see my face but I knew he recognizes me. He snarled in anger and raised his battle axe. The monsters charged. I waited. I heard the cry of an eagle and charged forward. A dracaena rushed me with a trident. She attempted to stab me, but I grabbed the weapon in mid swing and twirled it, smashing it into the creatures face. Blood sprayed on to my robe. Nasty.

Artemis POV

Percy's been gone for a day. When Thalia found out... let's just say that a couple of my hunters were in the infirmary tent for a couple hours. As we ate dinner, the atmosphere was utterly depressing. My hunters were actually starting to like him before the prank and they screwed up. I didn't expect Percy to actually leave. It hurts me. I don't know why but I feel empty. Thalia was picking at her food. I knew it was time.

"Girls, it's time I told you why Percy became our Guardian." They perked up a bit. I knew that was on their minds. Thalia had that look that said finally.

"Perseus had his heart broken by that Athena girl, our architect." I hear Thalia gasp while the hunters jaw dropped.

"What do you mean that Annabeth broke his heart?" Thalia asked. I sighed.

"She chose power and architecture over the man that loved her, that gave up everything to be with her." Thalia scowled. I could tell her mood had darkened a lot.

"That bitch! We taught her better than this. That's why Percy looked so... broken." I nodded sadly. My hunters had downcast looks on their face. That man had a horrible heartbreak and they literally stepped on him.

"Next time we go to Camp Half-blood, we are gonna have a chat with architect." They said in unison. Atalanta stepped toward me. Her eyes were red. She still had tear stains on her cheek. My heart felt heavy just by looking at her.

"My lady, can you find him?" she asked. Her voice had cracked. I looked toward my hunters. Diana eyes were red and Phoebe was sobbing. That's unusual. In the little time he's been here he's changed us. I shook my head. I've already tried it.

"No, he's hiding his presence from me." Thalia's hand crackled with lightning. I've never seen my half-sister so upset. Percy and her were like brother and sister. Their eyes both changed with emotion. It's one of the traits I liked about them. They fought a lot but made up so fast, it was utterly ridiculous. Both, sadly were rebels and mischievous. I would swear on the Styx that they were siblings in a past life. The bond they had could never be broken.

"Thalia, we will find him. We leave in two hours. I said gently as I put my hand on her shoulder. She looked up at me, tears raining down her face.

Percy POV

Monsters and more monsters. Joy! A goblin tried to smash me with his club, as he swung I snatched it out of his hand. I hit him so hard his head ripped from his body. I threw the club at an empousai , instantly killing her. With a flick of my wrist, my hidden blades sprang to life. I ran up to a Cyclops and jumped. I landed on his chest, driving my blades into his neck. More monster blood got on my robe. They just kept coming and I just kept killing. After a half an hour I stood before the Minotaur. He picked up the little girl by her neck and held his axe to her neck. He knew I could kill him again so he trying to take the coward's way out. I smirked. I pressed a button my vambrace and my hidden blade morphed into my hidden gun. I had one shot at this. Faster than I ever went before, I aimed the gun and shot in less than five seconds. Everything went in slow motion. The bullet flew past the girls head straight into the Minotaur in between the eyes. He blew up in a blast of pixy dust. As the girl fell I caught her with swift speed. She was a cute little thing. She had nice auburn hair and green eyes. She had slightly tan skin. She looked up to me and flinched. I frowned. What was wrong with her.

"What's wrong little one?" She looked at me with those innocent eyes.

"Men brought me to the monsters." She said. I sighed. I got another man hater on me. But she said something that caught me off guard.

"You're different than the other men. You seem nice and you have pretty eyes. I sighed in relief. Theirs hope for this one. That last comment though did give a boost to my ego.

"You have pretty eyes too; now let's check on your friend." We rushed over to the other girl who was lying down. She was as white as a sheet of paper. She had blonde hair and blue eyes. She turned her head too look at us. She coughed up blood and the little girl looked like she was gonna cry. The blond smiled at me.

"Thank you for saving my little friend here. I tried to protect her and I failed." I frowned. This girl was at deaths door. The auburn haired girl sobbed.

"Don't leave me Kelly." The girl Kelly smiled at the little girl.

"It's my time Talia, I'll see you again, this side or the other." She turned her head toward me." You take of her , be wary the other half are going toward some group of hunting girls." I sadly smiled and hugged Talia. I nodded toward Kelly.

"Be at peace... You'll not profit from suffering any longer." I said. Talia cried into my chest and Kelly smiled. She stopped breathing. She was gone. I closed her eyes.

"Rest in Peace

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