Part 1: Chapter 2. Introducing Evan.

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On some day in April of 2016, I met a boy.

His name is Evan.

Evan White.

We met on a dating website and if I'm being honest I had no feelings for him up until the day we met. We spent a couple of weeks talking and getting to know each other before he decided to invite me to his house. I. Was. Terrified. I mean he's almost 25 years old. I just turned 20. That's a whole 5 years.

The day came quickly and I found myself parked in his driveway. My heart was pounding and to add to it, there was a storm brewing outside. I will never forget what he was wearing as he stood there waiting for me to get out of my car.

A grey hoodie,

Navy blue shorts,

And these ugly boat shoes that I think shouldn't have been invented.

Getting out of my car was nerve wrecking. I didn't know what he was like in person, yet here I was with my overnight bag strapped to my shoulders. I trusted him enough at this point.

By the time I get out and walk over to him, I realized three things.

1). He was absolutely beautiful.

2). Niall Horan

3). I was fucking in love with him.

I should've known, I mean I just compared him to Niall Horan. Who even does that?

Apparently I do.

Honestly if he would've gotten down on one knee and proposed to me right there..

Hands down would've said yes.

My heart was pounding. No it wasn't from my nerves. It was from the electricity running through my veins.

I think they call this love at first sight. 

My cheeks burn from embarrassment and I wish I would've at least put a little makeup on. I knew right away I was in love with him. I had the same feeling that I experienced when I saw Niall Horan.

I get over my initial reaction and we formally introduce ourselves.

"So I'm Kayla. It's nice to finally meet you."

What a fucking idiot. You've got this gorgeous man in front of you and THATS what you decide to say? Idiot.

By this point, we're in his room and he's casually laying on his bed.

And me?

Well I'm being awkward as fuck. Here I was in the room of the guy that I was utterly in fucking love with.

He glances at me and I swear his blue eyes made my fucking knees turn to jello.

"You can lay on the bed if you want." He says laughing at me.

Great. Just great, he was fucking laughing at me.

I scoot to the edge of his bed and he causally just pulls me closer to him.

My skin was literally BURNING from his simple touch.

We talk and talk and eventually the tension disappears and I'm sitting here like I had known him my whole life. His arms wrapped around me, my head laying perfectly on his chest. I loved him.

How fucking stupid does that sound? I loved him the first day I met him.


This is hard as hell editing this stuff. I've written it already, but putting the words how I want you to read them is difficult.

There's so much emotion. Too much emotion.

I know my best friend is reading this right now. And I also know she hates Evan's guts.

So this is total cringeworthy for her.

Till next time. 🌪

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